Message 3: The Truth about Ourselves

Who are you? That question seems simple, but everyone struggles to find a genuine answer. Who are you deep down? What is your identity? The only place to find that answer is in God’s Word. Jackie Hill Perry will show you your true identity by focusing your eyes on God.

Running Time: 25 minutes


Jackie Hill Perry: I didn’t know that this was the tenth year of celebrating the Revive Our Hearts conference. I find it funny that video was showed before I spoke, because it was ten years ago in October when the Lord rescued me from my sin. (applause)

And a year after that is when I met the woman who discipled me—a woman by the name of Santoria. She introduced me to Revive Our Hearts through the workbook that Nancy wrote called Seeking Him, which is when I found out that I was more prideful than I could ever imagine. (laughter)

I’m grateful to be here. I don’t think I would ever have imagined that God would rescue me and given me to Him, but also that He would use me to empower other women to love Him well. So I’m grateful.

But, anyway . . . if you are …

About the Speaker

Jackie Hill Perry

Jackie Hill Perry

Jackie Hill Perry has been compelled to share the light of gospel truth through teaching, writing, poetry, and music since coming to know Christ at the age of nineteen. She is the author of several books and Bible studies and has been featured on The Washington Times, The 700 Club, Desiring God, The Gospel Coalition, and other publications. She and her husband, Preston, have four children and live in the Atlanta area.