Main Sessions
September 22, 2022
The God of Heaven Rules
Blair Linne
Spoken word artist Blair Linne meditates on the comforting truth that there is power and safety in Heaven’s rule.
Heaven Rules: What Difference Does It Make?
Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth
Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth looks at five snapshots from the book of Daniel through the lens of “Heaven rules.”
Heaven Rules: When Suffering and Sovereignty Collide
Joni Eareckson Tada
Joni Eareckson Tada reminds us that while we may not be delivered from every trial, we can always find our Deliverer in our time of need.
September 23, 2022
Heaven Rules over Earthly Kingdoms
Mary Kassian
Mary Kassian says that regardless of what happens in the political landscape, we can be confident in the course of history . . . this world is not our home.
Inviting Heaven to Rule in Your Mind
Dannah Gresh
How can we dwell on the Lord Most High? Dannah Gresh says the key is reminding ourselves of who God is and resting in Him.
Run to the Word of God: An Interview with Kay Arthur
Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, Kay Arthur
Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth sits down with longtime friend and Bible teacher Kay Arthur to discuss the importance of knowing the God of the Word.
Finding Your Mission in Heaven’s Rule
Chris Brooks
Pastor Chris Brooks says, “If Heaven rules, the question is, ‘Who will go for us?’” He encourages us to make the declaration, “Here am I. Send me.”
September 24, 2022
Your Kingdom Come; Your Will Be Done
Karen Ellis
Karen Ellis reminds us that “one” is more than a number: it’s who we are in Christ.
Heaven’s Ruler
Blair Linne
Spoken word artist Blair Linne proclaims the excellencies of Heaven’s “measuring stick”—the perfect Ruler who reigns over all.
The King Still Has One More Move
Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth
With every advance across the chess board Satan declares, “Check mate!” But King Jesus still has one more move . . . and it’s the only one that counts.
Preconference Sessions
September 22, 2022
Your Gender and Sexuality Tell a Story
Mary Kassian
It’s true. God designed you as a man or a woman. But have you ever thought about how your design fits into the story of the gospel?
When Culture Rejects God’s Design
Juli Slattery
Did you know that what you believe about God affects the rest of your life, in every aspect?
We All Have a Story
Dannah Gresh, Rosaria Butterfield, Laura Perry Smalts
The essence of your identity isn’t determined by what’s in your past. It has to do with your new nature, given to you when you turned from sin to Jesus.
When a Loved One Rejects God’s Design
Rosaria Butterfield
People sometimes confuse two “A” words— “acceptance” and “approval.” Dr. Rosaria Butterfield explains the difference between them.
Sexuality as a Mission Field
Juli Slattery
There’s a topic that can be hard or awkward to discuss with others— the whole area of sexuality.
Breakout Sessions
September 23, 2022
Unleashing the Power of Prayer
Leslie Bennett
Learn how to lead dynamic prayer gatherings that help women cry out to God for revival.
Discernment and Hope in End-of-Life Dilemmas
Kathryn Butler
This session explores the biblical principles behind end-of-life issues, with emphasis on our hope in Christ even in the face of death.
Soul Care for Busy Women: Finding Rest in the Chaos of Life
Asheritah Ciuciu
Learn how to REST in God’s loving presence anytime and anywhere.
Building a Spiritual Legacy for Your Children—and Theirs—to the Tenth Generation!
Jani Ortlund
Jani will share how she and her husband are asking and believe God to do in the lives of their own children and grandchildren.
A Practical Guide to Fasting
Erin Davis
Erin Davis help you understand what God's Word really says about fasting.
Finding Freedom from Fear
Judy Dunagan
Saturated in Scripture, this breakout will explore practical ways to combat fear through praise and worship, praying Scripture.
Persecution, Perseverance, and the Key to Sustaining Faith
Karen Ellis
Join Karen for this casual and private talk about the persecuted and persevering Church.
The Right Kind of Confident
Mary Kassian
Learn how to become the bold, courageous woman God created you to be.
Open Heart, Open Home: Hospitality and the Gospel
Amanda Kassian
Catch a vision for what a difference hospitality can make.
Cultivating Contentment
Melissa Kruger
Understand the meaning of contentment, the snares that keep us from joy, and how to cultivate contentment within our hearts.
The Joy of Embracing Biblical Womanhood
Laura Perry Smalts
Discover the purpose for which God made us women, the awesome beauty of His design, and the joy you can discover when you fully embrace how He created you.
How to Talk to Your Daughter about Gender
Dannah Gresh, Janet Mylin
If you’re a mom who feels scared and ill-equipped for conversation on gender, you need to know something: you are not alone.
Mentoring Made Real: The Power of Authentic Connection
Nancy Lindgren
Dive into biblical truths about real connection and the transforming power of prayer-focused mentoring.
Como hallar refugio en Cristo (How to Find Refuge in Christ – Spanish)
Patricia Saladin
Cristo nos ofrece refugio y a través de Su Palabra nos enseña cómo vivir, llevándonos a la paz que tanto deseamos.
Food Is Not the Enemy: Discover Freedom from Food Fixation
Asheritah Ciuciu
Jesus wants to set us free from our food fixation and lead us into food freedom, a place where we find our fullness and satisfaction in Christ alone.
Living in the Unshakable Victory of Christ
Judy Dunagan
Judy Dunagan will share practical, biblical insights on how to faithfully pick up the weapons of God’s Word, His armor, and prayer.
Point Your Kids to the Gospel with Great Stories
Kathryn Butler
Join us for a discussion of how the best stories glitter with gospel threads, and how we can use such narrative arcs to point our kids to Christ.
How to Be a More Discerning Woman
Melissa Kruger
explore how we can grow into women who are able to discern truth from error as we make choices in our reading, entertainment, teaching, and relationships.
Finding My Father: How the Gospel Heals the Pain of Fatherlessness
Blair Linne
Consider how the gospel helps us cling to our heavenly Father, empowering us to begin the process of healing from the pain of an earthly father who is absent.
Hiding God’s Word in Your Heart
Glenna Marshall
In this session we’ll explore some of the basics, blessings, and benefits of hiding God’s Word in our hearts.
The Dangers and Delights of Pursuing Authentic Friendships
Kelly Needham
We need a gospel-soaked view of friendship so we can avoid the counterfeits of friendship offered by the world.
Help! I’m Married to My Pastor!
Jani Ortlund
Marriage to a man in ministry can be lonely and stressful.
Help for Hurting Parents
Laura Perry Smalts
Discover how you can reach your prodigal and what God has for you in the valley of waiting.
Are You a Control Girl?
Shannon Popkin
Come explore five ways to lay down your control burden, surrender to God, and flourish.
Happily Joyful After: Life-Giving Truth for Marriages
Dannah Gresh
Happily Ever After may be a myth, but Jesus can help you experience true joy in your marriage.
Atesorando a Cristo en lo ordinario (Treasuring Christ in the Mundane – Spanish)
Betsy Gómez
En este taller aprenderás a contemplar el valor incomparable de Cristo y descubrirás maneras prácticas de hacer de tu vida una ofrenda de adoración a Él.