Como hallar refugio en Cristo (How to Find Refuge in Christ – Spanish)

Como hallar refugio en Cristo (How to Find Refuge in Christ – Spanish)

Sept. 23, 2022 Patricia Saladin speaking at Como hallar refugio en Cristo (How to Find Refuge in Christ – Spanish)

Vivimos vidas agitadas en un mundo  en turbulencia. Estas presiones a menudo producen ansiedad y ruido en nuestras almas. En todas las etapas de la vida: solteras o casadas, con hijos o sin ellos, aprendiendo a adaptarse a un nido vacío o en los  años dorados, todas las mujeres anhelamos vidas y relaciones florecientes. Cristo nos ofrece refugio y a través de Su Palabra nos enseña cómo vivir, llevándonos a la paz que tanto deseamos.
 We live hectic lives in a turbulent world. These pressures often produce anxiety and noise in our souls. In every stage of life: single or married, with children or without, learning to adjust to an empty nest or in your golden years, all women long for flourishing lives and relationships. Christ offers us refuge and through His Word He teaches us the way to live, leading us to the peace we most long for. 

Running Time: 46 minutes

About the Speaker

Patricia Saladin

Patricia Saladin

Patricia Saladin serves as the Women's Ministry Director at her church and is passionate about bringing the message of biblical womanhood to Spanish-speaking women. Her longing is to see them know and embrace the truth that makes them free in Christ. Patricia is also the voice of Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth for Aviva Nuestros Corazones. Patricia is married to Eduardo, the Pastor of Iglesia Biblica del Senor Jesucristo (Bible Church of the Lord Jesus Christ) in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic where they live. They have three grown children and God has given them six beautiful grandchildren.