Discernment and Hope in End-of-Life Dilemmas

Discernment and Hope in End-of-Life Dilemmas

Sept. 23, 2022 Kathryn Butler speaking at Discernment and Hope in End-of-Life Dilemmas

The dying process often includes a complex web of medical terminology, statistics, and ethical decisions, making it difficult for patients and loved ones to know how to approach the end of life in a dignity-affirming, God-honoring, faith-filled way. This session explores the biblical principles behind end-of-life issues, with emphasis on our hope in Christ even in the face of death.

Running Time: 40 minutes


Kathryn Butler: Thank you all for coming this afternoon. This is not an easy topic. After a very celebratory twenty-four hours with all of our sessions, this is a really hard one to dive into. I’ve just been so grateful for the messages over the past day, because I think when we’re dealing with something so heavy, the knowledge that heaven rules, that God is sovereign, and that no matter what happens—no matter what decisions we face, no matter our fear, no matter our grief—nothing can steal us away from God’s love for us in Christ. So thank you for joining me, and with that in mind I’d like to open us in prayer.

Heavenly Father, we thank You that You are ruler over all. We thank You and we praise Your name that You’ve stitched together the DNA within ourselves and yet also heaped the mountains skyward. That You …

About the Speaker

Kathryn Butler

Kathryn Butler

Kathryn Butler is a trauma surgeon turned writer and homeschooling mom. She earned her MD from Columbia University, and trained in surgery and critical care at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, where she served on staff before leaving clinical practice in 2016. She writes regularly for DesiringGod.org and the Gospel Coalition, and is the author of multiple books from Crossway, including Between Life and Death: A Gospel-Centered Guide to End-of-Life Medical Care; Glimmers of Grace: A Doctor's Reflections on Faith, Suffering, and the Goodness of God, and the forthcoming Dream Keeper Saga, a series of middle-grade fantasy novels with Christian themes.