Happily Joyful After: Life-Giving Truth for Marriages

Happily Joyful After: Life-Giving Truth for Marriages

When one partner binges on sin, both the husband and the wife are swept into a vulnerable place of brokenness. The sacred oneness of this holy union results in collective pain. Dannah Gresh has been there, and by God’s grace she and her husband, Bob, are living in what she calls “happily joyful after.” This session is a collection of the truth she wishes someone had shared with her as she learned to love her husband more deeply. Happily Ever After may be a myth, but Jesus can help you experience true joy in your marriage.

Running Time: 56 minutes


Dannah Gresh: Okay, I’m nervous—really, really scared. Bob and I want to be really vulnerable with you today. We believe that radical vulnerability in the Body of Christ is such an important component, and it’s missing in a lot of our congregations. So, we want to model that today, but we’re scared. I want to pray.

Jesus, we love You. You are my Redeemer. You have redeemed the darkest places in my life, and I want to help my sisters find that same gift from You. So let the words we speak be true, be honest, and point to the victory that You have won in our marriage and in our lives. In the precious name of Jesus we pray, amen.

Well, our goal today is simple: Bob and I have a heart to shorten the time that you spend hurting and wondering and asking questions between what we’re going …

About the Speaker

Dannah Gresh

Dannah Gresh

Dannah Gresh is the cohost of the Revive Our Hearts podcast and the founder of True Girl, a ministry dedicated to providing tools to help moms and grandmas disciple their seven to twelve-year-old girls. She has authored over twenty-eight books, including a Bible study for adult women based on the book of Habakkuk and books for teens including Lies Young Women Believe and The Bride Wore White. Twice a year Dannah hosts an online Bible study for teen girls and their moms. Dannah and her husband, Bob, live on a hobby farm in central Pennsylvania.