Heaven Rules over Earthly Kingdoms

Sept. 23, 2022 Mary Kassian speaking at Heaven Rules over Earthly Kingdoms

Mary Kassian says that regardless of what happens in the political landscape, we can be confident in the course of history . . . this world is not our home.

Running Time: 52 minutes


Mary Kassian: Good morning you beautiful women, precious daughters of the Most High King. Isn’t that amazing?

This is a recent photo of my mum and dad—awww. This year we celebrated my mum’s ninety-fourth and my dad’s ninety-seventh birthdays. And to me, they have been a living example of what it means to know that Heaven rules.

You see, my dad was born and raised in the German Province of East Prussia, in the majestic Baltic city of Königsberg. Königsberg in German means “King’s Mountain.” It was named that because it was the home to the kings of the German Empire who lived in the castle that was situated just a stone’s throw from my dad’s house.

Just before my dad was born, the monarchy was overthrown, ending the reign of German kings, and Germany became a Democratic Republic. But the political situation was highly unstable because numerous fledgling political …


About the Speaker

Mary Kassian

Mary Kassian

Mary Kassian is an award-winning author, an internationally renowned speaker, and a frequent guest on Revive Our Hearts. She has written more than a dozen books and Bible studies including Conversation Peace and The Right Kind of Strong. Mary and her husband, Brent, have three grown sons and make their home in Alberta, Canada.