We All Have a Story

We All Have a Story

The essence of your identity isn’t determined by what’s in your past. It has to do with your new nature, given to you when you turned from sin to Jesus. Laura Perry Smalts and Rosaria Butterfield help you base your identity in Christ.

Running Time: 35 minutes


Dannah Gresh: How many of you have noticed (as Laura comes on up and Rosaria’s going to join us by Zoom in just a moment) that the young people in our churches seem to put story in a higher place of authority than Scripture?

Now, this is how the enemy works, because the Bible tells us in Revelation that one of the greatest tools for warfare that we will have will be not only the blood of Jesus Christ, the blood of the Lamb, but the word of our testimony. So, Satan is distorting that right now in a terrible way.

What we want to do in the next few minutes is take time to hear the stories of two women, and these are stories that are mighty weapons of warfare for the good design of God. We’re going to talk with Rosaria Butterfield and Laura Perry. Rosaria, welcome! (applause) …