True Woman '24 Volunteers

“Through love serve one another.” —Galatians 5:13

Apply Now

Thank you for your interest in serving as a volunteer for True Woman ’25!

Do you:

  • Have a Christ-like, positive, willing attitude?
  • Desire to glorify the Lord with your gifts and abilities?
  • Have a heart to be a part of a team doing kingdom work?
  • Enjoy helping others?
  • Love meeting people and making new friends?

Then we need you! And we think you would enjoy serving as a volunteer for True Woman. True Woman relies heavily on the extra hands (and hearts) of our volunteers to make the weekend run smoothly. We could not do this without faithful volunteers.

We need servant-hearted women (and men) to help in the following ways:*

  • Greeters
  • Information Desk
  • Prayer Partners
  • Resource Center
  • Ushers

*For a full description of each responsibility, check out the FAQ section below.

Apply Now

By serving as a True Woman Volunteer, you will:

  • Receive your conference registration for $80!
  • Have access to a break room exclusively for volunteers.
  • Have early access to the sessions to reserve your seat.
  • Experience the privilege of worshiping with thousands of like-minded women.
  • Receive a True Woman apron to wear throughout the event (and take home with you).
  • Meet women from all over the world.
  • Make new friends as you serve together.
  • Interact with the Revive Our Hearts staff.
  • Get a “behind-the-scenes” look at a True Woman conference.

Terms of Agreement

As a volunteer, you will be representing the Lord and Revive Our Hearts. Here is what we are asking you to agree to as a True Woman volunteer:

  • Come with a servant’s heart, a gracious attitude, and a smile.
  • Serve throughout the entire conference as assigned. Your volunteer position could require you to serve before, during, or after sessions.
  • Wear modest attire, comfortable shoes, and the True Woman apron (provided for you).
  • Make it a priority to be observant, proactive, and available.
  • Report any emergencies or suspicious behavior to a Revive Our Hearts staff member.
  • Be willing to stand for a period of time in your assigned area (approximately one hour). (Please let us know if you are unable to fulfill this requirement.)
  • Attend a required orientation and training session on Thursday, October 2, at 10 a.m. at the Indiana Convention Center.

Apply Now

Volunteer Photo

Volunteer Testimony

“Serving as a volunteer helped me see the power of speaking love, kindness, and joy to others, and how that affects my relationship with Christ, too. It was a blessing to meet so many precious sisters in the Lord!”

—Amanda, True Woman conference volunteer

Do you still have questions? Visit our frequently asked questions.