Newsletter | September 2024

Calling Women to Freedom, Fullness, and Fruitfulness in Christ

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A Legacy of Adorning the Gospel

My grandma and grandpa talked about their faith in Jesus throughout my entire childhood, but it became most visible in times of crisis. When my health crashed during my teenage years, they opened up their guest bedroom and rolled my suitcase inside. Night after night, they knelt beside my bed and cried out to a Savior they knew personally.

In bathrobes and house slippers, as they bowed their gray heads in prayer, they made the Bible believable to me. I can’t remember the specific words they said, but I’ve never been able to forget the reverence that marked their prayers, the humility that filled their requests, and the hope that looked in anticipation to a faithful God they knew would not forsake them. The way my grandparents lived out the gospel helped give depth and authenticity to my own faith.

Studies have shown that U.S. teens still learn about the …

Grandparents: A Challenge Just for You

How will your grandchild grow in Christ to develop godly character? Will they capture a bold spiritual vision for the future? By maximizing your influential role, you may be part of the answer! Our 10-Day Grandparenting on Purpose Challenge will help you begin, or begin afresh, with intentional strategies.

This 10-Day Challenge includes:

  • Daily emails with practical, biblical wisdom.

  • Testimonials from successful grandparents.

  • Prayer points to lift before God.

  • Action plans for purposeful grandparenting.

Take the Challenge

From Generation to Generation

Revive Our Hearts is an invaluable program to me because it is so timely, biblical, relevant, and practical to my daily walk as a worker and as a woman with grown children and school-aged grandchildren. I recommend it often and quote things I’ve learned. Thank you so much for offering it. —“Dierdra”

Last fall I was able to watch all of Revive ’21 …

This same Good News that came to you is going out all over the world. It is bearing fruit everywhere by changing lives, just as it changed your lives from the day you first heard and understood the truth about God’s wonderful grace. —Colossians 1:6 nlt

On Wednesday night, May 15, if you had looked through the open windows of the Tabernacle, a gathering space at Gull Lake Ministry Center in Michigan, you would have seen a group of over two hundred people standing shoulder-to-shoulder in the center of the room. Revive Our Hearts team members, Ambassadors, volunteers, and their spouses stood together—with eyes closed and arms lifted, they sang with one voice:

Holy, Holy
Are You Lord God, Almighty
Worthy is the Lamb
Worthy is the Lamb

As the final note of the song echoed in the room, the various accents that had blended together during the chorus …

Breaking Free: How Revive Our Hearts Is Equipping Leaders to Overcome Lies with Truth

For a Christian leader, the stakes of stumbling are sky-high. Believing lies can render you ineffective in ministry—or worse—cause you to give up altogether. But followers of Jesus are not powerless against lies. We serve a victorious Savior who has given us the truth to conquer Satan’s deceptive whispers.

On Tuesday, August 6, Revive Our Hearts hosted “Overcoming Lies Leaders Believe,” a two-hour training event to set ministry leaders and pastors’
wives free through the unlimited power of God’s Word. This training was hosted by Leslie Bennett, with special guests Dannah Gresh, Karen Allen, Kesha Griffin, Karen Hodge, and Bob Lepine. We talked to Leslie about the importance of this event, how this topic has impacted her own leadership, and ways she is praying God continues to work through this unique training opportunity.

Q: You could have chosen a variety of topics for this online training event. Why was it …