Revive Our Hearts Bible Studies Podcast

Ruth - Week 2: Coming Home

Erin Davis: Introduce yourselves, tell us your names . . . and I want to hear about your church!

Kristen Clark: I’m Kristen Clark from San Antonio, Texas, and I go to Crossway Bible Church. It’s a church plant that’s about six years old, and we’ve been with the church from a few months after it launched. So it’s been fun. We met in a cafeteria; now we have a building. It’s been an exciting journey and a lot of work, but it’s really good to see God work!

Erin: I love that! Okay, over here. 

Portia Collins: I am Portia Collins from Greenwood, Mississippi, and I go to a relatively small non-denominational church called Green Grove, and I love it there!

Erin: You go to church in the deep South!

Portia: I do. I always say even though I’m a member of a nondenominational church, I’m like part Presbyterian, …

About the Teachers

Erin Davis

Erin Davis

Erin Davis is married to her high school sweetheart, Jason, and together they parent four energetic boys on their small farm in the midwest. She is the author of more than a dozen books and Bible studies, the content manager … read more …

Kristen Clark

Kristen Clark

Kristen Clark is the co-founder of GirlDefined Ministries and co-author of several books, including Girl Defined and Not Part of the Plan. She is passionate about promoting the message of God-defined womanhood through blogging, speaking, mentoring young women, and … read more …

Portia Collins

Portia Collins

Portia Collins serves on the Revive Our Hearts team as the Monthly Partner Specialist and co-host of the weekly videocast, Grounded. Her favorite part of her job is meeting the ministry partners who help make the mission possible. Portia is … read more …