
31 Results

Esther - Week 6: A Dramatic Reversal | Revive Our Hearts Bible Studies Episode

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podcast episode | August 19, 2019

God is working in your life. He has not forgotten you; He knows your story and is writing the script for your life. Your story is really God's story.

Rahab - Week 4: The Scarlet Cord | Revive Our Hearts Bible Studies Episode

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podcast episode | August 24, 2020

As we trace the red thread throughout Scripture, we’ll discover an overall picture of the blood of Jesus Christ that saves us from all sin.

Rahab - Week 1: Written into God's Script | Revive Our Hearts Bible Studies Episode

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podcast episode | August 3, 2020

God is writing the script for our lives, and He often chooses people we wouldn’t to fulfill His redemptive purposes—like Rahab.

Elizabeth - Bonus: Helping Your Children Deal with Disappointments | Revive Our Hearts Bible Studies Episode

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podcast episode | February 23, 2019

From losing a game to feeling left out, every child will face disappointments. Find out how to help your child navigate disappointment with grace.

Esther - Week 1: God Sets the Stage | Revive Our Hearts Bible Studies Episode

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podcast episode | July 15, 2019

Even when we can't see His hand, we can trust that God is working for our good and His glory.

Abigail - Week 2: A Reasonable Request; A Rude Response | Revive Our Hearts Bible Studies Episode

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podcast episode | January 13, 2020

Ultimately, you're not responsible for how others act, but you are responsible for what you do in return.

Rahab - Week 2: The Mystery of God at Work | Revive Our Hearts Bible Studies Episode

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podcast episode | August 10, 2020

God's work of salvation is always a mystery—whether it's in a corrupt culture or in our own hearts.

Abigail - Week 6: Death Brings Life | Revive Our Hearts Bible Studies Episode

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podcast episode | February 10, 2020

We all have difficult people to deal with. Abigail's example provides practical insight about how to deal with them.

Elizabeth - Week 1: Righteous but Waiting | Revive Our Hearts Bible Studies Episode

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podcast episode | February 4, 2019

Elizabeth’s story wasn’t always filled with excitement. Her faith was forged in the fire of disappointment.

Elizabeth - Week 2: The Bigger Picture | Revive Our Hearts Bible Studies Episode

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podcast episode | February 11, 2019

We may find ourselves willing to be obedient in the face of disappointment for a while, in a long haul, trust can become scarce.