
31 Results

Abigail - Week 5: An Eternal Perspective | Revive Our Hearts Bible Studies Episode

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podcast episode | February 3, 2020

God will avenge all evil. And He will bless and reward you if He is your refuge.

Elizabeth - Week 5: The Final Chapter | Revive Our Hearts Bible Studies Episode

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podcast episode | March 4, 2019

We’re not told exactly how Elizabeth's life ends. However, Scripture doesn’t leave us guessing. It is rich with promises, meant to reveal the last chapter.

Elizabeth - Week 3: The Bottom Line | Revive Our Hearts Bible Studies Episode

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podcast episode | February 18, 2019

We straighten and fix, but Elizabeth’s story reminds us that sometimes we need to get out of the way and let God fix the problems in someone’s life.

Esther - Week 5: The Tide Begins to Turn | Revive Our Hearts Bible Studies Episode

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podcast episode | August 12, 2019

Our lives may sometimes look like the back of embroidery—a tangled mess. Yet, God is stitching the events of our lives together to create a masterpiece.

Ruth - Week 4: A Life That Speaks Volumes | Revive Our Hearts Bible Studies Episode

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podcast episode | February 1, 2021

Ruth faithfully served Naomi and put her trust in the Lord. Through her story, God painted a picture of true restoration.

Ruth - Week 3: This Changes Everything | Revive Our Hearts Bible Studies Episode

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podcast episode | January 25, 2021

If we base our view of God on emotions or circumstances rather than on what the Bible says, we can become bitter and angry.

Rahab - Week 6: A New Identity | Revive Our Hearts Bible Studies Episode

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podcast episode | September 7, 2020

God doesn’t only save us from past sin; He gives us the freedom to face the future without fear.

Ruth - Week 2: Coming Home | Revive Our Hearts Bible Studies Episode

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podcast episode | January 18, 2021

When we’ve strayed from God’s plan for us, it might be easy to think we’re too far gone to turn around. Yet God is waiting for us to come to Him and repent.

Abigail - Week 4: God Will Be the Judge | Revive Our Hearts Bible Studies Episode

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podcast episode | January 27, 2020

No matter how out of control things may seem, it's never out of God's control. You can take refuge in Him.

Elizabeth - Week 6: Elizabeth's Song | Revive Our Hearts Bible Studies Episode

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podcast episode | March 11, 2019

Elizabeth’s story shows us how to do more than simply endure disappointment. She shows us how to sing through it.