How God Could Use Your Step of Obedience, with Marlene Luna and Nicole Forgette
What is the Lord calling you to do right now? Your step of obedience can have a bigger impact than you think. Marlene Luna shares a passion the Lord put on her heart, and how it involved leaving a familiar and comfortable place. Her obedience to God resulted in opportunities to share the gospel, and she continues to see answered prayers for revival. Obedience isn’t always easy, but the Lord works in amazing ways when you say “yes” to Him. You’ll also hear an update from Nicole Forgette, who works with the Spanish team at Revive Our Hearts, on what God is doing in Latin America.
Episode Notes:
Today’s Revive Our Hearts podcast
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Portia Collins: There's something God has put on your heart to do some way of serving …
What is the Lord calling you to do right now? Your step of obedience can have a bigger impact than you think. Marlene Luna shares a passion the Lord put on her heart, and how it involved leaving a familiar and comfortable place. Her obedience to God resulted in opportunities to share the gospel, and she continues to see answered prayers for revival. Obedience isn’t always easy, but the Lord works in amazing ways when you say “yes” to Him. You’ll also hear an update from Nicole Forgette, who works with the Spanish team at Revive Our Hearts, on what God is doing in Latin America.
Episode Notes:
Today’s Revive Our Hearts podcast
If you would like to support Grounded and the ministry of Revive Our Hearts, you can donate here.
Portia Collins: There's something God has put on your heart to do some way of serving Him, or sharing the truth with other people. If you take a step of obedience, it could have a much bigger result than you think. And we are here to talk about that today on Grounded.
Erin Davis: We are, and I'm so excited. You know, Grounded is a videocast and a podcast produced by Revive Our Hearts. And I'm Erin Davis, delighted to be with you as your host. I'm already thinking about what are the things God is asking me to do that I can obey Him in doing.
Portia: And I am Portia Collins. Today we're going to be talking about women in Latin America who have taken steps of obedience. They are saying, “Yes, Lord.” And we'll see how God is using their efforts to revive women in the Spanish-speaking world.
We know that women are joining us from all around the world. That's one of the things that I really love about Revive Our Hearts. It is that we are a global ministry. And since we have an international focus today, we want to encourage you to tell us in the chat where are you from? Let us know. As y'all can tell with this big Southern accent, I'm from Mississippi. Let us know where you're from.
You can be a part if you're listening to the podcast version of this. You can be a part of the chat every Monday morning at 9 a.m. Eastern Standard Time. Just subscribe to the Revive Our Hearts’ Facebook page or the YouTube channel.
Erin: You know what Portia? I might have forgotten to tell them who I am. I don't know. I'm Erin Davis.
Portia: You did.
Erin: I did. But I'm from Missouri. So you're from Mississippi. I'm from Missouri. We're not really from exotic countries. We're not even from exotic states. But that's where we're from.
Portia: We like to think that.
Erin: No one has ever called Missouri exotic ever; that's never been in anyone's vocabulary. We're like, I don't even know what we're famous for. But anyway, I've got a surprise for you fellow hosts this morning to wake you up this Monday morning. Today as we talk about God's work in Latin America, I thought we might just introduce some of the countries we'll be talking about with a little geography challenge for my co-host, Portia. How'd you do in geography in school?
Portia: Actually, I did pretty good, but that was a long time ago.
Erin: So Dannah, pop in here.
Dannah Gresh: Hey, I'm here, girls. Good morning.
Erin: How did you do in geography? Were you a geography whiz in school?
Dannah: You know, I cannot say that I was, but I'll tell you what, I loved coloring in those maps. That was a joy for me.
Erin: Yes.
Dannah: The creative part. What color can I make this country?
Erin: I’m not sure that's gonna help you here.
Dannah: Okay.
Erin: So, I've got the answers and the question. So, I'm gonna do well. Portia, this first question is for you. It's multiple choice. What is the largest South American country in both size and population? Is it A: Brazil. Is it B: Paraguay. Is it C: Uruguay.
I'm not even sure I'm saying the names of the countries right, much less getting the answer right. So, the biggest South American country in size and population, what's your guess, Portia?
Portia: I'm gonna go with A: Brazil.
Erin: You got it.
Dannah: That would be my choice. Yup.
Erin: Did I show you my eye contact? I was trying to play it cool. But I was like, Brazil. The population of Brazil is pretty amazing. 211 million people.
Dannah: Wow.
Erin: Okay, Dannah. The next question is for you.
Dannah: I'm ready.
Erin: What South American country includes the highest mountain peak in South America? Is it Peru, Bolivia, or Argentina?
Dannah: See, I'm just gonna go with a country I've been to, and it's probably wrong. Peru.
Erin: Wrong. It's Argentina. The problem is that you probably didn't do any mountain climbing while you were there.
Dannah: No, none.
Erin: Alejandra’s not with us this morning, you may have noticed that she's not able to join us today. She would say the name of this mountain, right. Cerro Aconcagua. It’s the highest peak. I butchered it.It's in the Andes Mountains.
Dannah: Oh, the Andes.
Portia: Okay.
Erin: We’ve heard of the Andes.
Dannah: Yeah, they're in a bunch of countries though, aren't they?
Erin: I don't know. Okay.
Dannah: Okay. I'm showing my geography prowess.
Erin: Here's a bonus round, and either of you can buzz in. You don’t have buzzers, so just . . .
Dannah: I need this bonus round, Portia, so back off.
Portia: I'm competitive.
Erin: Portia: one; Dannah: goose egg. Okay. The highest waterfall in the world is in what South American country? Again, I'm going to give you options. Is it in A: Venezuela. B: Suriname. C: Guyana.
Dannah: Venezuela.
Portia: Guyana.
Erin: Okay. Dannah tied it up there. The tallest waterfall in the world is Angel Falls, and it’s in Venezuela.
Dannah: I knew that; I even knew the name of it.
Erin: Yeah, good. Thanks for playing. So, as you know, Grounded is not about geography. As you've learned, we would not be great hosts of a geography challenge.
Our mission here is to give you hope and perspective straight from God's Word. So, let's go right back through those countries, because the women in these countries mentioned are getting that hope and perspective.
God is using some women who are willing to say, “Yes, Lord.” We kind of picture waving a white flag of surrender at Revive Our Hearts. We say, “Yes, Lord.” Some women are saying, “Yes, Lord” to sharing the truth, the hope and perspective of Scripture with their South American neighbors.
Dannah: Let's start with review. We started with Brazil. You said it was the biggest country, Erin. I gotta tell you, I think it's one of the countries in the world with the biggest need. For many years I have been praying for Brazil.
People there do know the Lord. There are many people who love Him. But there are a lot of people who need Him desperately there.
Erin: Yeah, so true. Just last month, a woman in Brazil wrote to us from Brazil. She was in a tough family situation. She was asking God for wisdom that might resonate with where some of you all are all this morning. She told us that God's Word spoke to her, when Nancy DeMoss tweeted just the Scripture verse the woman needed for the crisis she was in. There you go, social media. God can use it for good. And He spoke to that woman's heart in Brazil.
Dannah: Wow. He sure did. Okay, God's Word is powerful. He uses social media. That I needed to hear today because sometimes I wonder, but He does use it. Now moving on to what was the country that has the tallest mountain, not Peru, Argentina.
Erin: Argentina.
Dannah: You told us they have the tallest mountain.
Erin: They do. I want to go there after seeing that picture. Well, we just heard from a pastor's wife in Argentina. As you're hearing these stories, I hope you're thinking these are my sisters, my sisters in Christ. A pastor's wife in Argentina, and she's leading the preteens in their church in a Bible study plan called Mujer Verdadera 365.
Those teens, as the name indicates, are going to read through the Bible in a whole year, which I gotta be honest, I've attempted to read through the Bible in a whole year before I've never done it successfully. So when I think about these young women committing to do that, that makes me really excited.
We'd love to tell you how God's Word is at work. One of those teens woke up in the night crying. She was overwhelmed with the truth of the gospel. They had only made it to Genesis and the Lord was already stirring her heart that much.
This Argentinian teenager decided to give her life to sharing the gospel, as a response to reading the Bible.
Dannah: You know, Erin Davis, how I'm gonna feel about that story, don't you?
Erin: I do.
Dannah: I'm a woman whose heart is for the next generation. I know many people are but like, the Lord has just given me laser focus that the next generation would have God's Word in their heart. So that stirs it. Okay, finally, on to Argentina? No. Why am I forgetting?
Erin: Venezuela!
Dannah: Venezuela!
Erin: Okay, do you remember the name of the waterfall?
Dannah: Angel Falls I did remember that.
Erin: Angel Falls, there you go.
Dannah: I actually knew that because I've been to I think it's the widest waterfall. Maybe in Zambia. Anyway, there's a waterfalls, and I knew about Angel Falls. What do we know about that beautiful country, my friend?
Erin: In Venezuela, a Venezuelan woman wrote to us. I hope you're getting a vision for how the Lord is using Revive Our Hearts, and more importantly, His Word around the world. But a Venezuelan woman wrote to us and our marriage was in trouble. You know, that's a global problem that many families face. She was in a really low place. Someone told her about Aviva Nuestros Corazones.What is that, Dannah?
Dannah: That's pretty good. Aviva Nuestros Corazones is the Spanish version of Revive Our Hearts.
Erin: It is. Man, I've been taking Spanish lessons for six months, and I still struggle. Aviva Nuestros Corazones, but anyway, I'm going to get it someday. Since then, she's been listening to the daily Bible teaching that Aviva Nuestros Corazones offers. Here's what she says “I've learned to be in God's Word every day and read the Mujer Verdadera 365 devotionals every single night.” Talk about some hope and perspective.
Dannah: I love it. Okay, now you're intriguing me, because that's the second time you mentioned Mujer Verdadera 365. So let's find out more about that right now because it's the topic of today's good news.
Erin: Oh, let's give them some good news. Nicole Forgette is going to help us learn what Mujer Verdadera 365 is. Nicole, Welcome to Grounded. She works with the Spanish team at Revive Our Hearts. We're so glad you're with us this morning.
Nicole Forgette: Hello. Buenos Diaz.
Erin: Buenos Diaz. Okay, Nicole, we just heard the stories of two women who have been using Mujer Verdadera 365. But somebody is probably watching Grounded and going. “I don't know what that is.” So, what is what you call it? MV 365. What is MV 365?
Nicole: Well, it stands for True Woman 365. And what it is, is read through the Bible in a year alongside us. Back in 2020, at the beginning of the year, we decided to read the Bible through in a year with our listeners, our followers.
Erin: Before you even knew what 2020 was gonna bring, right?
Nicole: Before we knew what 2020 was going to be.
Erin: Yeah.
Nicole: Yes. We started on January 1. Then as we sent out a schedule of reading through the Bible in a year. We had devotionals that went alongside the daily reading through a blog. The MV365 blog we had on our website, and people would comment and share. It was just kind of a more interactive read through the Bible in the year together.
Erin: Love it.
Portia: Oh, I love that. So, let me jump in and ask this. And I'm gonna say MV 365, because I know that I can't say it in Spanish.
MV 365 took off as a written devotional last year. As you approached 2021, did you try anything new to follow up? What did that look like?
Nicole: Yes, we did. It was such a sweet year, last year, as so many people kept joining us throughout the year, even if they didn't start on January 1. And we were like, we’ve got to do this again. Let's read through the Bible again in 2021, but let's switch it up a bit. We actually turned it into a podcast. So instead of just the devotional readings, those devotionals were put in audio format, and it is a daily podcast, this year.
Portia: You know, I am a podcast girl. I love my podcasts. Did you hire professional speakers to read the devotionals?
Nicole: Yes and no. Actually, it's our staff on Aviva Nuestros Corazones, who I think are professional speakers, because they have such lovely voices. But all of our staff do the different readings throughout the year.
Portia: That's amazing. I didn't know that. All right. So it sounds like you didn't set out to make the most polished, perfect podcast podcasts out there. The host of the podcasts are really just sharing a devotional with a friend, really something any of us could do, right?
Nicole: Yeah. And the cool thing is, we have a daily connection. We have over 35,000 people that sign up to receive the devotional reminder in their inbox. But in the Latin world, everything's through WhatsApp or Telegram. So some more people are just sharing it daily through different platforms, and that just kind of took off just more organically.
Portia: I hope you guys at home are seeing where we're going, today with this. That's what we're trying to remind you of. Just like the team reading these devotionals, you may be able to take some simple steps to share Christ with those around you.
So, Nicole, I will ask you this. What has been the results of the podcast? Like, what type of response have you been getting from the listeners?
Nicole: The results have been incredible. We launched January 1. In just one month, we had over a million listens. We had, I think it was 1,050,000 listens
Dannah: Wow.
Portia: Oh my goodness, that is a blessing.
Dannah: What a jump in just one month. That's what I love about what's happening in Latin America. It is so viral and contagious. That's a good epidemic to be happening. People are falling in love with God's Word. But you know, I know Nicole, it's tempting to focus on the numbers to view it as a success. But what really matters is that each of those is a woman daily seeking God's Word. That's what matters. They're seeking God's Word. I feel like I need to say something in Spanish, Nicole, but I'm gonna need your help. How do you say “To God be the glory?”
Nicole: A Dios sea la gloria.
Dannah: A Dios sea la gloria.
Nicole: There you go.
Dannah: Amen. Oh, thank you for being with us today, Nicole.
Wow, how cool is it that God's using just ordinary women in Latin America, they're taking small steps of obedience to disciple these million plus ladies. That smells a little like revival to me friends. And I think that's good news.
Alright. Every week, we get grounded with God's people. We want to stay with this Latin American theme. We want to visit with a woman whom I love dearly. She's an ordinary woman just like me, but she is saying, “Yes, Lord.” Please welcome Marlene Luna. Hello, my friend.
Marlene Luna: Hey, Dannah, how are you?
Dannah: I’m good. Finally, we have a woman from Latin America on our Latin America focused program. Yeah, it's about time. Well, Marlene, I am so blessed by you. You are a woman from the Dominican Republic, where you have been saying yes to the Lord in such a precious way. But it meant making a major life adjustment.
Marlene, where were you living before God called you on what I think is a beautiful new adventure?
Marlene: I was living in the capitol, Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic, when I first received the call from God, to move then to where He called me—Jarabacoa, the mountains of my country.
Dannah: Well, I got to ask you a question, because I struggle with this. Sometimes when God's calling me to something . . . Were you comfortable in Santo Domingo? Could you have enjoyed staying there?
Marlene: Yes. And usually sometimes people ask me that, because I have two girls. So they say, but you have more opportunities in Santo Domingo, your whole family is in there. They can get better education there. So constantly, I received these types of comments, but we are sure that God has called us there.
Dannah: So why did God call you there? What was the specific burden God was putting on your heart that caused you to move from a place that was comfortable to a place that was a little more difficult?
Marlene: Well, in Santo Domingo, I was learning a lot about purity about modesty. And I remember that as I was learning during my teenage years, I had a burden in my heart that I wanted these young girls that were coming up to receive the same teachings. As I moved Jarabacoa to learn about missions, I was able to see the big need of these teenage girls there Jarabacoa. God put that burden in my heart.
Dannah: Yeah.
Marlene: That burden grew and grew more. I saw these young girls that needed to know about purity, about modesty. That was the big burden that God had put in my heart.
Dannah: It's a big burden, because I know something about Jarabacoa. It's a beautiful place. It even has a mountain called the “Hammock of God,” but in this place of incredible natural beauty where many people go to vacation because it's so absolutely beautiful . . . They say in the Dominican Republic you guys go to the beach to wear a swimsuit for vacation. We like to go to the mountains to wear a sweater where it's cool.
But in Jarabacoa there's actually a lot of darkness and hurt when you say that you wanted girls to talk about purity. I mean, I want that in my hometown. What's different about Jarabacoa and that call in your heart?
Marlene: Well, I was able to see girls, young girls being trafficked for the purpose of commercials or a sexual exploitation also forced to work so that parents can get more food in their houses. So I was seeing that in girls from 12-13-14 years old.
It was like something normal. It has become like something my mom passed through that my grandma passed through that it has become something normal. So the girls are used to this kind of life in that they don't see hope. That's what we want to bring to them.
Dannah: You want to bring them hope and perspective. We're talking about very young. The United Nations at one point stated that the teen pregnancy in Jarabacoa is the highest on the planet. And we're not talking about 18 year olds; we're talking about 13,14, and 15 year olds.
God called you with a message of purity to that spot, not even knowing at that point how bad it was. What did God call you to do when you first got there to Jarabacoa?
Marlene: To love the people to get to know the people to walk around and see the needs of them.
It was like God wanted to open my eyes more, give me more passion for them.
Dannah: I love that. I feel I gotta say this. So many times when we get a call from God, we treat whoever we're called to as the mission field rather than our friends. They are the mission field. But if we don't love them and befriend them first, we're never going to have long-term effect. Alright, so fast forward a few years. Here we are in middle of a pandemic, COVID-19 affecting the community in Jarabacoa. Do you just pack up and go home? I mean, what happens now?
Marlene: So everything was closed, and no one can go to the streets. Part of the work that we do was to be there for the people, encouraging the girls. We had to stop, and we had to move online, and try to serve them this way. But how so? We started to pray. I said, Lord, Lord, what is the next thing that you want for the ministry? How can we get to these girls? How can we get to the boys with my husband’s ministry? And what God talked to my husband and us was to start giving the family food, so that's what we started to do.
We started to give food to the families that we have worked with. We have been giving over 1,000 families food. It was amazing to see that God's plan is very different from what we were thinking.
And we loved that. It was a great opportunity for us to see the need—the emotional need, the physical need—and to be able to take the gospel with it.
Dannah: God's not been sitting up there saying, “Oh no, a pandemic. All my plans have changed.” We are the ones that have to change so that we can accomplish the things He's assigned to us in this time. So that makes me want to say it again. I'm gonna get it wrong. Marlene, to God be the glory. How does it go? How do we say it? What is it?
Marlene: A Dios sea la gloria.
Dannah: See, you say that so well. I don't even need to repeat it. Okay, so I know that you're a woman who's been praying for revival, as you have been handing out food to these families. I want to say we have a lot of food lines here in the United States, but there it's different, because many of the people that are trafficked girls, they're living in what would be compounds or slums. That's what they would call them in other countries. Some of them living in cardboard houses, clay houses.
For us to stock up on groceries for a week or a month to get through this, that's not an option for them. They're buying groceries day by day. So they needed that food desperately. How are you seeing the pandemic and giving food as answers for your prayers for revival, for purity, and holiness in Jarabacoa.
Marlene: I see the people with their hearts open, even though they're afraid, even though you see their emotional need of hope, of learning, of wanting something different for their lives. So this has been a great opportunity for us to not just to take food, but to take the gospel, to see the emotional needs that they have, and to say here is Jesus here.
Their hearts are just being opened, not just because they receive the food, but also because they're hungry to learn from God more than they were before. So God is awakening the hearts of these young girls, even their families, to get to know God.
Dannah: Isn't it interesting that the hunger and the need for physical food during this pandemic so much is a mirror of the true spiritual hunger and need that many of us truly have? Alright, my friend, any Scripture verses that you've just got to pour out for us to hear today?
You’ve got women from all over the world who have a desire for God to bring hope and perspective into their communities. They're receiving assignments. We're not wrapping up your story with a nice bow and saying the city of Jarabacoa is perfect and fine and everybody's wearing white on their wedding day. You're in the middle in the trenches of this, pressing into the call, even in the face of obstacles.
What Scripture or advice do you have for us as we do the same thing with our callings?
Marlene: There's a Scripture that God has given me during this time that's in 2 Chronicles 7:14 that says, “If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”
This has been a Bible verse first for me for my life, but also to pray over this Bible verse for my people, for the people of Jarabacoa, for my country in general. God has called me, but I know God has called you, as a woman. Maybe you can start in your house or with your neighbors or with the people around you, but make God known to them.
Dannah: I love that. I want to go back to that big step of obedience you took to move from Santo Domingo, a place where your family was. The educational system was stronger. It was comfortable. And you had this heart to obey the Lord and bring purity and holiness to your country. And God said, “Okay, here go to this hard place.”
Some people listening right now might be struggling with a decision about obedience like that. It might be big—moving, selling a home. Others might be called to do something that's a little smaller. But what would you say to that woman who needs the courage to take this opportunity to take the next step and say, “Yes, Lord, I'll do it?”
Marlene: Dannah, at the beginning, it wasn't easy, because even my family wasn't agreeing to that step in my life. But the burden in my heart and in my husband’s heart was so strong that we knew God was calling us there. I will say that we had a closer relationship to God, we knew it was God's will for us.
And it was just to say “yes” without knowing where we were going to live, without knowing what we were going to have. We obeyed God because we knew He was calling us to be there.
Dannah: I love that.
Marlene: I think that the main challenge was to say “yes”vand give the step. In just a giving a step, we saw God's blessing with us.
Dannah: It reminds me of Abraham not knowing where he was going. God just said, “I'm taking you somewhere else.” He followed and obeyed. We sure like reading that one in the Bible. We like hearing your story. But we don't like it to be our stories.
Friends, if you're hearing Marlene's voice today and you're struggling with a decision like that, I encourage you to have the courage to step out in faith and say “yes.” Friend, thanks for being with us today. And let me also say, ladies, if you heard Marlene’s story today, will you pray for Jarabacoa and the girls there that need desperately to know their value and the love from a Savior so that they can walk in holiness and purity. Pray for Marlene and her team? God bless you, friend. Have a great day.
Marlene: Thank you.
Erin: Oh, I love Marlene’s example of saying “yes” to God's call. We're going to keep thinking of that example as we get Grounded in God's Word. We hope you have your Bible handy this morning.
So far on this episode, you've heard stories of women saying “yes” to the Lord. And the exam. What happens when He works when we say “yes”? Now I want to focus on the story of a familiar woman whose task was extremely daunting, and that is Mary.
The angel Gabriel told Mary, here's your thing. We're asking you to say “yes” to the Lord's asking you to say “yes” to giving birth to the Savior. In Luke chapter one, I'm going to read us verses 30–35. As soon as I find them; hang on just a second. I’m at that stage where reading my Bible get a little tough without my glasses.
"And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. And the Lord God will give to him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end.” And Mary said to the angel, “How will this be, since I am a virgin?”And the angel answered her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the child to be bornwill be called holy—the Son of God.”
Wow, it was a big ask. And Mary said, ‘Yes, Lord.” So, Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth taught on this exact passage at a Revive Our Hearts conference once. We wanted to show you just a few minutes of her teaching on video. It speaks to our topic this morning of saying, “Yes, Lord,” and then leaning into Him for the results for the impact of other people.
Just so you know, Nancy is going to mention a sign that says “fresh oil.” You're not going to see it, especially if you're listening to the podcast version. And even if you're watching, you're going to see Nancy instead. So I just want you to picture yourself driving down the highway. Imagine that it's summer when all the roads are being worked on, and you see that familiar sign—that fresh oil sign. Here's Nancy.
Nancy DeMoss Woglemuth: Cry out to God for what I call fresh oil, fresh oil. A gal who worked on our team years ago, many years ago would hear me say what I've prayed more than any prayer over the years, “Lord, give me fresh oil.” Especially when we're coming into a conference like this. I feel depleted at times. I feel weary from late nights, early mornings. I say, “Lord, please give me fresh oil.”
She saw this sign on a roadside; she took a picture; she had it laminated for me. I carried it in my purse for a long, long time—fresh oil. Lord, grant it, the power of the Holy Spirit. Remember that the power is not in the words we speak or in our natural eloquence, but it's the power of the Holy Spirit of God.
I don't know how many times over the years I've had this conversation with the Lord, that's similar to the one that Mary of Nazareth had with the angel in Luke chapter one. Now, the details are different. But it’s a similar exchange.
Remember how the angel came and said, “You're going to be carrying in your womb the Son of God.” And Mary goes, fourteen-year-old girl here, maybe young teenager, “How can this be? I've never known a man; it's impossible.”
I've said this to the Lord so many times. When He asked me to start Revive Our Hearts radio, when the call came to do the True Woman Conferences, these Revive Conferences. “Lord, this is impossible! I can't do this. How can I?”
And the angel said to Mary, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High overshadow you.”
How many times God has reminded me of that, as I've been in this little exchange with Him about all the things I can't do. I feel so weak, so poor, so needy. People think I'm confident. I am the furthest thing from confident. My picture’s next to the dictionary next to the word insecure. Inadequate. I feel it so strongly.
“But the Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the Most High will overshadow you.” Listen, this verse isn't just for Mary; that verse isn't just for me. That verse is for you, for whatever God has called you to do to be. It may not just be in teaching; it may be in loving a husband who doesn't know Jesus, maybe in knowing how to love a prodigal child.
You say, “I can't do this. This is impossible . . . me teach a Sunday school class? Me lead a small group? I can hardly talk. I can't do this.”
“The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the Most High will overshadow you.” If this is what God is calling you to do, then it will be His power, the power of the Holy Spirit. Don't you love Mary's response? Luke 1:38, my life verse, “Behold, I am the handmaiden of the Lord. May it be to me, as you have said.” What is she saying? “Yes, Lord”
Portia: That's Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. I don't know about you guys, but I kind of had to stop to choke back the tears, because that was such a timely message for me. I remember the first time I ever heard Nancy pray over women. We were at the Sisters in Ministry Summit. She prayed for fresh oil. And ever since I've heard her say that and model that, I've been doing it too. She knows that we are all weak. We can't do the work that God has called us to do in our own strength.
I know I'm totally a testament to that. So, like Nancy said, let's ask the Lord for fresh oil as we obey the steps He's wanting us to take. But before we go, we want to give you a tool to stay Grounded. Today's Revive Our Hearts podcast is all about escaping perfectionism. I know what that is like.
Dannah: The escaping part or the trapped part?
Portia: Dannah and Erin talk with Amy Baker, the author of a book on perfectionism. And I know you guys will love this podcast. Let me ask how many of you in the chat are perfectionists?
Erin: I knew what you were gonna ask.
Portia: You and I have similar personalities, Erin.
Dannah: Hey, listen, you know what I think? I think those of us who are the worst perfectionist might think we're not.
Erin: Oh, maybe that means I'm not because I know it.
Dannah: Well, maybe because when I went to do the interview with Amy Baker, I was like, I don't think I'm a perfectionist. I'm reading her book, and I'm sitting in there with Erin, and she's convicting my heart. And then this morning, I listened to this podcast again. It was like I’d never heard it.
Erin: Yeah.
Dannah: My heart was so convicted. I was like, the way I responded to so many things last week. That was perfectionism showing up in my life and God wants me freed. This is a must listen podcast. I gotta tell you.
Portia: Yes.
Erin: Well, I agreed to be on it because I knew I have issues. I need to listen to it again, and I hope you’ll listen to it.
Portia: We’re in the same boat.
Erin: We’re all floating in a perfectionist’s boat, and we went out. Maybe we need a whole episode. I'm saying it right now. I think we need a whole Grounded episode on that.
Dannah: We need Amy Baker.
Erin: We do need her. Okay. Hey, we love hearing from you as you're watching Grounded. As many of you are listening, we would still love to hear from you. In fact, we had sisters from South America watching with us this morning from Nicaragua, from Mexico, from Brazil. We're so glad that you're with us.
But one comment is kind of stuck in my heart. It comes from Meg. Meg says “I always have a deep dread and disappointment about the beginning of the week. But without fail, about an hour into my Monday morning I realize Grounded is on this morning.” She said, “Joyous, it keeps me going.”
Listen, that’s why we're here.
Dannah: Wait, I know. I know. We don't have any Spanish speaking people left. But can anybody remember how to say glory to God in Spanish?
Erin: No.
Dannah: Come on. Gloria.
Portia: She just said no, like . . .
Dannah: Gloria de Dios, no? Gloria to somebody or . . .
Erin: Glory to God in every language.
Marlene: Gloria a Dios.
Dannah: Marlene comes in, a voice from behind.
Erin: Well, that's why we're here. We're here to get you through Monday. We're here to offer you hope. We're here to offer you perspective. We're here to give glory to God. That's why we're here, and that's why we're gonna be right back here next week.
Hey, next week's episode is about having a right theology of death and dying. That might not sound like a joyous episode, but I promise you, it is going to give you hope and perspective. John and Donna Avant are going to be with us. I'm really looking forward to that episode.
All right. Glory to God in every language. Let's keep saying it to each other all week long and then wake up together with hope and perspective, next week on Grounded.
*Offers available only during the broadcast of the podcast season.
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