
210 Results

Take Back Your Joy, with Nicole Jacobsmeyer | Grounded Episode

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podcast episode | June 17, 2024

In this episode of Grounded, guest Nicole Jacobsmeyer shares how you can take back your joy and live out your trials with hope in Jesus.

Learning Surrender through Parenting a Special Needs Child, with Tracy Lane | Grounded Episode

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podcast episode | July 5, 2021

“When surrendering is tough, remember Who you are surrendering to.” That’s wisdom Tracy Lane learned through parenting two special needs children.

Overcoming the Waves of Fear with Kristen Wetherell and Trillia Newbell | Grounded Episode

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podcast episode | March 27, 2020

Kristen Wetherell and Trillia Newbell talk about how to set our minds on Christ when the fear is prevalent.

The Season of Giving | Grounded Episode

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podcast episode | December 7, 2020

Join Grounded hosts as they welcome guests who will help us consider what God’s Word teaches about living generously.

Compassion in Action with Kelly Sites | Grounded Episode

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podcast episode | June 12, 2020

Kelly Sites has seen the impact of health crises up close while serving with Samaritan’s Purse as a Disaster Assistance Response Nurse.

Why Christmas Traditions Matter Even When We Cannot Gather, with Donna VanLiere and Robyn McKelvy | Grounded Episode

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podcast episode | December 21, 2020

In a uniquely different year, not everything has to change. Today’s conversation focuses on traditions and the importance of upholding them, even in 2020.

When Reading Your Bible Is Difficult with Megan Hill | Grounded Episode

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podcast episode | October 26, 2020

If you are experiencing difficulty digging into God’s Word, Megan shares encouragement and ideas to help you grow in faith and gain a hunger for the Bible.

It’s Not Your Year, with Kristen Clark | Grounded Episode

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podcast episode | January 4, 2021

Kristen Clark joins our hosts to talk about the story of Ruth.

Thriving in God’s Word with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth and Kristie Anyabwile | Grounded Episode

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podcast episode | July 1, 2020

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth will give you advice for daily Bible study. And Kristie Anybwile will inspire you toward a greater hunger for God’s Word.

Saints and Scoundrels with Nancy Guthrie | Grounded Episode

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podcast episode | June 3, 2020

Author and Bible teacher Nancy Guthrie takes us into a deeper look at the lives of Stephen, John the Baptist, and Peter.