
586 Results

Finding Ways to Connect with Carolyn McCulley | Grounded Episode

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podcast episode | March 25, 2020

Ways to creatively connect with others and serve those who live alone.

The Source of Joy with Portia Collins | Grounded Episode

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podcast episode | April 14, 2020

Are you full of joy today? Portia Collins brings an understanding of biblical joy as we look to our source and not our circumstances.

The Rhythm of Spiritual Disciplines with Abigail Dodds | Grounded Episode

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podcast episode | May 26, 2020

Abigail Dodds discusses God’s heart behind spiritual disciplines and how they shape us.

For Those Who Are Thirsty with Damaris Carbaugh | Grounded Episode

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podcast episode | May 15, 2020

Has your Bible stayed closed? If you’re feeling flatlined, exhausted, or spiritually dry, today’s message of hope from Damaris Carbaugh is for you.

Grounded in Prayer: Praying for Families and Pastors | Grounded Episode

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podcast episode | April 15, 2020

In this week’s special prayer edition, Robyn McKelvy, Jeanine Martinez, Kelly Needham, and Erin Davis lead us in praying for families, pastors, and more.

The Discipline of Endurance with Kristen Wetherell and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth | Grounded Episode

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podcast episode | April 29, 2020

Kristen Wetherell is with us today on Grounded to share the blessing of feeling our need and the promises of God in Scripture to help us endure.

Make a Dent Where You Are Sent, with Dave and Ann Wilson and Bill Elliff | Grounded Episode

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podcast episode | December 14, 2020

Be inspired to shine the hope of Jesus whether you’re in the kitchen, your neighborhood, or the drive-thru lane.

Thriving in God’s Word with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth and Kristie Anyabwile | Grounded Episode

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podcast episode | July 1, 2020

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth will give you advice for daily Bible study. And Kristie Anybwile will inspire you toward a greater hunger for God’s Word.

The Encouragement Challenge | Grounded Episode

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podcast episode | May 27, 2020

Today you’ll hear from a group of women who took the 30-Day Husband Encouragement Challenge, and not only were their marriages transformed, but so were they.