Revive Our Hearts Podcast

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Equipped in the Desert

Leslie Basham: When trouble comes into your life, maybe you just see trouble. But God sees an opportunity to teach you something new. Here’s Nancy Leigh DeMoss.

Nancy Leigh DeMoss: What you don’t know as you’re faithful in this obscure, limited place right now is what in the world God may be equipping, fitting, and prepareing you for. So seek Him while you’re in the desert. Let Him tutor you. Let Him teach you. Let Him equip and fit you.

Leslie Basham: This is Revive Our Hearts with Nancy Leigh DeMoss for Wednesday, September 21.

The desert is a great training ground—not fun, not comfortable, but effective. For the last several programs, Nancy’s given us perspective on walking through a spiritual desert. If you missed any, you can hear this helpful teaching at Here she is now to continue in the series, Walking Through Life’s Deserts.

Nancy Leigh DeMoss: …

About the Teacher

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth has touched the lives of millions of women through two nationally syndicated radio programs heard each day—Revive Our Hearts and Seeking Him. Her books have sold more than five million copies. Through her writing, podcasts, … read more …