Revive Our Hearts Podcast

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The Gospel in Your Daily Thoughts

Leslie Basham: Is the gospel affecting your thoughts day by day? Here’s Carrie Gaul.

Carrie Gaul: Before we can speak the good news of the gospel to others, we have to begin by speaking it to ourselves—daily, continually—because our lives (and you know this) are tremendously impacted by the conversation that goes on between our ears every day.

Leslie: This is Revive Our Hearts for Tuesday, June 10, 2014.

Nancy Leigh DeMoss: I want to welcome back to Revive Our Hearts today our guest teacher for this week, who is my long-time friend and partner in ministry, Carrie Gaul. Carrie, it’s so great to serve with you in this ministry. God’s used you in many ways: You’ve taught Bible studies in our ministry and in our community, and you’re part of our biblical correspondence department.

Carrie’s also a wife, a mom, a grandmom, and you’re loving hearing her heart this …

About the Teacher

Carrie Gaul

Carrie serves on the Staff Care Team for Revive Our Hearts and Life Action Ministries and is a Fellow with The Truth Collective. As a speaker, author, and lay-counselor, Carrie enjoys helping women experience more of Jesus’ presence, peace, … read more …