Insistent and Persistent Prayer
Due to copyright agreements, we will not be posting a transcript of Janet Parshall's message.
Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth: Here at Revive Our Hearts we’ve been sensing that God is calling us to cry out to Him in an extraordinary way during these desperate times. As we start today's program, I want to invite you to take a moment to do something maybe a little bit unusual. If you are physically able and in a place where you can do this, I want to encourage you to get on your knees before the Lord as we join our hearts and come humbly before Him, acknowledging our need for Him.
This week we’ve been seeking God specifically for our churches. Today Kesha Griffin will start us off in prayer.
Kesha Griffin: Heavenly Father, I come to You today for the Church. It is truly a gracious gift that You have given us. …
Due to copyright agreements, we will not be posting a transcript of Janet Parshall's message.
Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth: Here at Revive Our Hearts we’ve been sensing that God is calling us to cry out to Him in an extraordinary way during these desperate times. As we start today's program, I want to invite you to take a moment to do something maybe a little bit unusual. If you are physically able and in a place where you can do this, I want to encourage you to get on your knees before the Lord as we join our hearts and come humbly before Him, acknowledging our need for Him.
This week we’ve been seeking God specifically for our churches. Today Kesha Griffin will start us off in prayer.
Kesha Griffin: Heavenly Father, I come to You today for the Church. It is truly a gracious gift that You have given us. I pray today for the pastors and the elders of the churches; that they will lead well; that You would give them wisdom and guidance to help them navigate this pandemic; that they will shepherd Your sheep; that they will lead Your sheep to godliness; and that they will lead by example.
I pray for each individual member of all our churches, that we will hunger and thirst after righteousness. I pray that we will support our pastors and leaders, that they may serve us with joy. I pray that we will love one another, that there is unity in the Church. I pray we will love one another so much that others in the world will see the love of Christ in us. I pray that they will see our good deeds and give You glory.
I pray for a heart of evangelism during this time, that we will be bold to proclaim the hidden mysteries of the gospel. I pray that we will show others compassion and love as they are suffering during this time. I pray for the Church that it will be a pillar of truth; that we will not compromise but that we will stand firm and be strengthened in our faith. I pray that ultimately that You will be glorified. We thank You for everything that You are going to do, in Jesus' name, amen.
Janet Parshall's Message
Nancy: That was Janet Parshall speaking at True Woman '16. Have you been encouraged, maybe inspired, by this perspective on prayer? I hope you’ll take some time to seek the Lord through consistent, insistent, and persistent prayer—just as that widow woman did in Luke 18—as you pour out your heart to the Lord.
Dannah: We are, as always, hoping that you will pour out your heart to the Lord. We want to provide a new resource to help you do that—especially with the Christmas season just around the corner. If you have pumpkins on your front porch, you might think it's too soon. But I'm already getting in the spirit. One of the things that's helping me is the anticipation of our new Advent devotional written by Nancy. It's entitled Born a Child and Yet a King. It's the third in the Advent trilogy.
When the sounds of familiar Christmas carols fill your home this year, my prayer is that you’ll pause and listen to them with new insight.
Nancy: I agree, Dannah. That's because these carols tell the most important story of all, the gospel story.
For thirty-one days throughout the month of December, the songs you know by heart are going to come alive in a new way as you follow along with this new Advent devotional. It's available only through Revive Our Hearts, and we'd like to send it to you when you donate a gift of any amount to this ministry. Visit ReviveOurHearts.com to make your gift, or call us at 1–800–569–5959. When you make your gift, be sure to ask for your copy of the newest Advent devotional.
Thank you so much for your support of this ministry as we continue proclaiming good tidings of great joy to women around the world.
Dannah: When you’re reading the Bible are you ever tempted to skip the book of Isaiah? Some of the book might sound like it’s all just “doom and gloom.” But the challenges in Isaiah’s day are similar to those of our broken world today. Next week, we’re going to unpack Isaiah chapters 63 and 64. This passage can show us how to pray for the Lord to “rend the heavens” in revival. I hope you'll be back for Revive Our Hearts.
Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth gives you a new perspective on prayer. It’s an outreach of Life Action Ministries.
*Offers available only during the broadcast of the podcast season.
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