Revive Our Hearts Podcast

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Pointing to Something Greater

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth: Abigail Dodds says we should pay attention to how God is using our physical attributes to remind us of spiritual truths.

Abigail Dodds: Get your mind working, like, “Wow! I wonder why God did give me this womb? I wonder why God did give me a body?” Being able to see with those kinds of eyes all that that God has given me.

Nancy: We’ll learn to see the bigger picture today on the Revive Our Hearts podcast for May 6, 2021. I’m Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth.

Let me ask you, What kind of woman does God want you to be? Yesterday Dannah Gresh and Mary Kassian began a conversation with our friend Abigail Dodds about what the Bible says about women. They’re continuing that today as they explore God’s definition of womanhood. I’ll just give you a spoiler alert: That definition is not one you’ll hear very …

About the Teacher

Dannah Gresh

Dannah Gresh is the cohost of the Revive Our Hearts podcast and the founder of True Girl, a ministry dedicated to providing tools to help moms and grandmas disciple their seven to twelve-year-old girls. She has authored over twenty-eight books, … read more …

About the Guests

Abigail Dodds

Abigail Dodds is a wife to Tom and mother of five. She is the author of (A)Typical Woman and Bread of Life. She contributes regularly at Desiring God and World Opinions.

Mary Kassian

In addition to being a frequent contributor on Revive Our Hearts podcasts and at True Woman conferences, Mary Kassian is an award-winning author and internationally renowned speaker. She has written more than a dozen books and Bible studies including True … read more …