3,670 Results
The Most Influential People in the World | Revive Our Hearts Episode
In 2008, Pastor John Piper addressed what he called the most influential people in the world. Who were they? The answer might surprise you.
Have You Been Affected? | Revive Our Hearts Episode
How have you been shaped by feminism? Every woman in the church today needs to ask herself that question, whether or not she calls herself a feminist.
What Your Sexual Conduct Says About the Gospel | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Your relationships are not primarily about you. The way a woman relates to a man says a lot about her belief in God. Learn to glorify Him in your relationships.
You Can’t Always Control Your Children | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Parents need to keep their young children under control; is a part of protecting them and teaching them. But at some point, parents need to give up control.
How to Keep from Growing Weary | Revive Our Hearts Episode
The church is facing challenges from the outside and problems from the inside. Do you ever feel like giving up?
A Massive Gospel Opportunity | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Heaven Rules Your Child’s Future | Revive Our Hearts Episode
God’s Beautiful Design for Women, Day 21 | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Are you being exactly who God wants you to be, doing exactly what He wants you to do? Learn to find and embrace His calling on your life.
Full of Grace and Power | Revive Our Hearts Episode
It seems like everyone is interested in power, from kids playing superheroes to business people trying to climb a corporate ladder.
The Second Great Awakening, Day 1 | Revive Our Hearts Episode
In the Second Great Awakening, amazing things began to happen when people joined together to pray together in unity.