
3,000 Results

God's Beautiful Design for Women, Day 29 | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | March 16, 2017

You are invited to live a peaceful, beautiful life. That peace and beauty do not come from working harder or struggling longer.

Missional Mothering, Day 4 | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | July 13, 2017

Grandparents have a unique opportunity to invest in the next generation. Jani Ortlund shows how to provide the kind of involvement your family needs.

A Thirsty Heart | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | May 26, 2023

Nancy Stafford actually was Miss Florida in the Miss America beauty pageant. But she still felt like something was missing.

Your Toil Is Not in Vain | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | November 14, 2013

Kay Arthur cautions women from making the Bible all about themselves. There’s something far more important than asking, “How does this affect me?

The Two Directions of Forgiveness | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | July 8, 2022

Is there a painful relationship in your life that seems impossible to reconcile? Whether you're the offender or the offended, God can heal any relationship.

Prepared for a Crisis | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | May 29, 2020

When you spend time with God in prayer and His Word, it’s kind of like storing up reserves of supplies to use in a crisis.

Becoming a Gospel Patron | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | February 12, 2019

The biblical writer Luke tells us about a group of women who traveled with Jesus. Why would they give generously so Jesus could travel, teach, and heal?

Working in the Power of the Holy Spirit, Day 1 | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | May 9, 2016

Nancy says too much of what goes on in churches today is busyness without the power of God behind it.

Discipline Is Not a Bad Word | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | July 23, 2008

You get hit with a worldly definition of beauty all the time. Get a biblical view of yourself when Anne Ortlund joins Nancy.

Are There Enough Children in the World? | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | November 9, 2010

Is the world overpopulated? A lot of people assume that the planet can’t handle the birthrate. But is it really true?