3,670 Results
Everybody Needs to Be Rescued | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Find out why a repentant prostitute is better off before God than an unrepentant churchgoer. It’s a look at the life of Rahab.
The Power of Kindness in Marriage | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Men and women receive feedback and constructive criticism very differently. Shaunti Feldhahn helps wives speak in an understanding way.
The Value of Rest | Revive Our Hearts Episode
When’s the last time you truly took a day of rest? On that day, did you experience quiet? Was your phone switched off? You're invited to a new pattern of rest.
Plans to Give You Hope and a Future | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Christopher Yuan visited the nurse at the prison where he was incarcerated. The nurse wrote down bad news on a slip of paper and slid it to Christopher.
A Country-Wide Burden | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Do you see a lot of lifeless, joyless Christianity? Do you ever wonder if God is working anywhere? Find out what God is doing in the Spanish-speaking world.
Confident, Strong, and Submissive | Revive Our Hearts Episode
What image comes to mind when you hear the phrase "submissive wife"? Nancy challenges the stereotype, showing how a woman can be strong and submissive.
The Consequence of Lies | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Blame shifting is almost as old as humanity itself. The very first two people didn’t take the blame for a huge catastrophe. Learn from their mistakes.
If I Could Do It All Over Again, with Jon Gauger, Day 5 | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Modeling and Training | Revive Our Hearts Episode
In order to build God’s kingdom, you need to model and train and live out the truth and actively teach it.
True Woman in Indianapolis | Revive Our Hearts Episode
When thousands of women came together in Indianapolis a few days ago, exciting things started to happen. Hear what God did at the True Woman Conference.