3,663 Results
A Woman's Influence in the Church | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Women in the church can be either a great blessing or they can do incredibly great damage. They can make the gospel believable or cause people to turn from God.
Nobody's Immune | Revive Our Hearts Episode
The Quiz | Revive Our Hearts Episode
If you’ve done any shopping lately, you’ve probably looked at a piece of clothing and asked yourself, "Is this modest?"
Choosing Faithfulness | Revive Our Hearts Episode
A lot of couples think their marriage is going pretty good because they haven’t gotten in a fight lately. But marriage isn’t just about avoiding problems.
The Process of Refinement | Revive Our Hearts Episode
The homes you pass by every day may look presentable on the outside, but inside there’s a lot of despair.
Friendships for Our Good | Revive Our Hearts Episode
True friendship involves honesty. Do you have a friend who is close enough to you to speak up when you’re headed down a wrong path?
A Cord of Three Strands | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Why do we care so much about relationships? Where do we go for advice? A favorite magazine or talk show host? What about the Bible?
The Peace That Comes from Surrendering Control | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Who is in control? We're all challenged with that question every day. Are we in control of our lives, our relationships, and our circumstances?
Interrupted by an Angel | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Zechariah had a once in a lifetime opportunity to minister in the Jewish temple. It was a high honor. But an angel turned his expectations upside down.
A Mom Who Prays | Revive Our Hearts Episode
When a child turns from truths he's always known, it breaks a parent’s heart. Learn how to pray for a prodigal.