3,663 Results
Crazy Busy, Day 3 | Revive Our Hearts Episode
There's a lot of things to encourage in our children, if we just have the eyes of grace to see them.
The Power of a True Story | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Across the Middle East and Asia, there are places where Bible teaching isn’t welcome. But these are also places with a great appreciation for well-told stories.
Comfort for Our Souls | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Is it harder for you to believe that God is all-powerful or that He’s all-loving? Practically speaking, we tend to lean one way or the other.
Sexual Discipleship | Revive Our Hearts Episode
What comes to mind when you hear the word “discipleship"? Do you realize that you need to be discipled in your sexuality?
Song of Solomon, Day 8 | Revive Our Hearts Episode
The Song of Solomon gives us a picture of rich, passionate love. But like all good stories, it includes conflict and struggle.
Physical Intimacy | Revive Our Hearts Episode
For wives, there may well be times when understanding your husband’s strong desire for physical intimacy is difficult.
God's Beautiful Design for Women, Day 32 | Revive Our Hearts Episode
If you truly love other people with the love of Christ, it will keep you from adultery. Find out why Christlike love leads to self-control.
The Baton of Faith | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Great books and literature are about much more than recreation and casual entertainment; they also play an important role in passing the baton of faith.
About Sexuality | Revive Our Hearts Episode
God’s boundaries for sexual pleasure aren’t designed to take away joy. Instead, His boundaries exist to help us experience genuine pleasure.
A Secure Identity | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Have you ever tried to influence the way others see you? I think all of us have done that in some way or another. here’s a more secure identity.