
3,000 Results

Alone with God | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | November 27, 2007

One of the most important decisions you’ll ever make is to consistently spend time in God’s Word and in prayer.

The Cornerstone | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | December 22, 2022

When you hear about Jesus Christ, are you still amazed and in awe at what God has done in sending Him?

A Revival in My House | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | May 4, 2012

Betsy Gomez was a marketing professional in the Dominican Republic. One day she came home from work and her son ran away from her as if she were a stranger.

Retirement is Overrated | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | July 20, 2009

You hit age 65 and then take it easy, right? The final stop on the American dream. Pastor Tom Elliff finds this idea unfulfilling.

Truth is Being Proclaimed | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | May 16, 2007

Some families still sit and listen to the radio together. Find out what is causing mothers and daughters to do this.

Learn to Discern | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | May 1, 2008

How should you respond to Oprah’s recent endorsement of Eckhart Tolle’s book A New Earth? Find out as Nancy is joined by Dr. Erwin Lutzer & Dr. Don Whitney.

Are You a Weak Woman? | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | August 1, 2019

If a woman embraces biblical teaching, does that mean she can’t be strong? Mary Kassian says "no." God calls women to be, “The right kind of strong."

Hope in the Coming King | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | September 12, 2023

Jesus refers to Himself as the morning star. It’s a star that appears when the night is almost over. What does this mean for you?

A Mom Who Prays | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | June 17, 2024

When a child turns from truths he's always known, it breaks a parent’s heart. Learn how to pray for a prodigal.

A Warm and Loving Environment | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | July 7, 2005

Every mom knows what it's like to clean the thirty-fifth spill of the day.