3,664 Results
Dependent on His Strength | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Do you feel like you have enough strength and energy for the tasks you’re facing today? If not, Nancy says that’s an opportunity.
Training Your Children in Truth | Revive Our Hearts Episode
How can you teach your children solid truth about gender and sexuality when so many voices are offering unbiblical ideas? Nancy helps you train your children.
Song in the Night: The Serenity of Christ | Revive Our Hearts Episode
The book of Matthew includes an intriguing line. "Jesus and His disciples sung a hymn before He headed out to be betrayed." How could Jesus sing then?
Why Is Life So Hard? | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Do you ever wonder why life is so hard? When things are difficult, we tend to assume that something's wrong that needs to be fixed.
Keeping Your Marriage Vows, Day 2 | Revive Our Hearts Episode
As a child growing up, Karen Loritts didn’t see commitment in marriage modeled. Find out what it took to break an ungodly cycle.
A Servant's Heart | Revive Our Hearts Episode
You Can Finish the Race | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Big transitions will turn your life upside down. A new baby. A full moving van. A new job. They can all tempt you to lose perspective.
Choosing Worship Over Whining | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Nancy says you can’t worship and whine at the same time. She's honest about the temptation to whine and how meaningful praising God is during those times.
Hope for Imperfect Moms | Revive Our Hearts Episode
An Organism | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Our culture divides people based on age, income, social status and race. But when the church is functioning like it should, all those barriers get erased.