
3,000 Results

God Doesn't Have to Advertise | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | July 11, 2024

What’s the best way to let the world know what your church is doing? The answer has nothing to do with hiring a PR firm!

Good News Is Better Than Wishful Thinking | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | May 18, 2022

Over the last year and a half, good news has been a rare commodity. The solution to bad news isn’t just wishful thinking.

A Powerful Weapon | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | October 2, 2020

Have you ever used the Bible as a guide for your own praying? Dr. Karen Ellis shows us how to pray God’s Word back to Him.

Hospitality within the Body of Christ: Kesha Griffin | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | April 26, 2024

The folks in Kesha Griffin’s church are practicing a kind of corporate hospitality for a needy family in their community.

Developing a Godly Character | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | March 24, 2009

The Bible tells us about two warriors who kept fighting into their latter years. They will inspire you to take on new challenges.

A Heart for Those Nearby | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | February 8, 2021

What would it be like if you and I boasted more and more about what God is doing in our lives? A group of women does just that—to draw attention to God.

Listener Letters | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | May 31, 2004

Can the 30-day challenge to appreciate and encourage your husband make a difference in your marriage? Hear from listeners who have written in.

When Bible Memory Meets the Real World | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | May 24, 2012

When you’re stressed or tempted, what pops into your mind? When you memorize Scripture, you’re filling your mind with the material you need.

Holy Intimacy | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | June 5, 2023

According to popular opinion, your sexuality is all about you. But the inventor of sex invites you into a new way of thinking in this area.

A Country-Wide Burden | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | March 22, 2012

Do you see a lot of lifeless, joyless Christianity? Do you ever wonder if God is working anywhere? Find out what God is doing in the Spanish-speaking world.