3,664 Results
How to Embrace a Life of Vitality | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Are you worshiping God through your finances? How about your relationships? What about diet and exercise? Be challenged to devote every area to the Lord.
Faith Frontiers, Day 5 | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Is God calling you to a new faith frontier? Something in your heart that only He can do? Hear how God provided when Nancy stepped out into new frontiers.
A Godly Legacy | Revive Our Hearts Episode
It’s easy to think of the Proverbs 31 woman as a wife, but our kids and their friends are watching too. What kind of memories are we making.
Hope Is a Person | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Talk to Yourself | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Is talking to yourself a sign of insanity? Not at all! Today Nancy points out that talking to ourselves can be a good idea.
Begin at My Sanctuary | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Nancy is going to show us a powerful passage of Scripture that will prompt some healthy self-examination.
A Daughter's Faith and a Mom's Faith | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Karen Melby was afraid for her daughter’s safety. Her daughter had a big idea involving orphans in Uganda, a paddle board, and a volatile body of water.
Entirely Forgiven | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Is your sin too great for God to forgive? If you can’t get rid of the suspicion that it is, find freedom.
Prone to Wander | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Sometimes it’s hard to notice how prone we are to wander. But when we recognize our sin, there is hope.
Interceding for Transgressors: The Word of Forgiveness | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Historians tell us that Roman crucifixion was so painful that those being executed would often curse and scream. In light of this Jesus' words have more impact.