3,664 Results
Gratitude for God's Grace | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Everything we have is a gift from God. As long as we keep this perspective, our hearts are humble, and we are sensitive to the Lord.
When You Feel Weak and Powerless | Revive Our Hearts Episode
No matter how talented or skilled you think you are, something will come along and challenge your ability. Will you be tempted to give up?
Song of Solomon, Day 20 | Revive Our Hearts Episode
When you focus on what you can get out of a relationship, you’ll be miserable. But when you focus on what you can give, you’ll find joy.
Lifting Your Drooping Head | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Nancy reminds us, our ultimate soul satisfaction and joy comes from the only One who can restore and renew our lives.
His Name Is Prince of Peace | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Everyone is looking for peace. We need it in our world and in our families and churches. Nancy shows you the only way to enjoy true peace.
How the Water Shows Us Our Need | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Nancy takes us through the book of Exodus to explain how water demonstrates God’s power and teaches us to trust in Him.
God’s Beautiful Design for Women, Day 15 | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Jesus Cares for Women | Revive Our Hearts Episode
In Jesus’ day, like ours, there were societal problems like racism and sexism. Hear how a simple conversation Jesus had was radically counter-cultural.
Saying “Yes, Lord” to the Future | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Have you been asked, “What do you want your life to look like in 10 years?” Bob Lepine asks Nancy this. Her answer will inspire you to think about your life.