3,664 Results
Hope from Hopeless Places | Revive Our Hearts Episode
After Angela Yuan’s son, Christopher, embraced a gay lifestyle, she began to pray. Hear about God’s faithfulness even when the situation seems hopeless.
Is There Anything I Can Do? | Revive Our Hearts Episode
A good waiter or waitress doesn’t focus on his or her own needs, but on others. The same is true for anyone who wants to effectively serve.
Faith to Be Fearless | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Do you ever worry what the future holds for your children? Find out how you can be a parent of faith, working, praying, and trusting for your children.
Healthy Patterns of Work and Rest | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Do you spend relaxation time at the end of the day with Facebook or Instagram? Dr. Shona Murray says your mind isn’t actually relaxing while online.
A Breath of New Life, Part 5 | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Where do you turn with your deepest needs? To friends? Counselors? Books or conferences? Nancy says none of these things will ultimately solve your problem.
Stewardship of Your Fertility | Revive Our Hearts Episode
If you’ve been waiting for the right time to have children, how do you know your body will still be ready when that time comes? This topic is addressed today.
Restoring Your Vertical Relationship | Revive Our Hearts Episode
It’s so easy to get busy working for God that we can neglect to be alone with God. But it’s crucial to stop and set aside alone with the Lord.
The Power of Kindness in an Unkind World | Revive Our Hearts Episode
You can turn on the TV, radio, or podcasts and find people speaking in harsh, angry, ways. How can we avoid getting swept up in anger?
Gloriously Important | Revive Our Hearts Episode
The problems of this world are so big and our contributions are so small. Do you ever feel discouraged? Nancy tells us what God can do with our contributions.
God's Beautiful Design for Women, Day 29 | Revive Our Hearts Episode
You are invited to live a peaceful, beautiful life. That peace and beauty do not come from working harder or struggling longer.