3,664 Results
We Pass Our Days Like a Sigh | Revive Our Hearts Episode
The Long-Term Influence of Your Life | Revive Our Hearts Episode
When the Lord calls you home, will your work carry on behind you? Susan Hunt explains how to build a women’s ministry that will continue after you’re gone.
No Situation Is Hopeless | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Do you want to watch God change what seems to be a hopeless situation? Sharon Jaynes says, "Don’t be impatient and run away from the hopeless situation."
Cancer and Contentment, Part 1 | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Scott Melby was in a hospital room in intense pain facing a life-threatening disease. In that moment he chose to worship. How do you make that choice?
I Was Naked and You Clothed Me | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Ann Dunagan’s family visited Africa and was struck by the number of children without adequate clothing. Jesus' words about clothing the needy came to mind.
Time Robbers | Revive Our Hearts Episode
How much of your time falls victim to “time robbers"? Today Nancy Leigh DeMoss defines what those might be and helps us recognize and remedy those things.
Why Seek Him? | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Six years ago the attacks of 9/11 inspired many people to earnestly pray. Nancy teaches on the importance of praying earnestly all the time.
The Watchpost | Revive Our Hearts Episode
In Old Testament times, a soldier would stand on a watchtower to watch for approaching enemies. Nancy explains why you, too, should "stand watch."
He Holds the Keys | Revive Our Hearts Episode
When someone hands you their keys, they are giving you authority and responsibility. Jesus holds some important keys.
You Have a Fresh Start | Revive Our Hearts Episode
If you knew your days were numbered, what would you say to those you love before it was too late? One of the apostles was in that situation.