6,962 Results
Heaven Rules Your Child’s Future | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Transformed Women: Meet Nedelka | Revive Our Hearts Episode
After being abused, Nedelka believe men couldn't be trust and she would never have children. But God had a different plan for her.
Full of Grace and Power | Revive Our Hearts Episode
It seems like everyone is interested in power, from kids playing superheroes to business people trying to climb a corporate ladder.
The Second Great Awakening, Day 1 | Revive Our Hearts Episode
In the Second Great Awakening, amazing things began to happen when people joined together to pray together in unity.
Receiving and Extending Grace | Revive Our Hearts Weekend Episode
We can’t function without God’s grace. And we have the incredible privilege of being channels of His grace to others.
Finding Hope in Prison | Revive Our Hearts Weekend Episode
God Is at Work in Iran, Day 2 | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Sabrina Aslan is teaching the Bible for women in Iran and Syria and sending those messages into these closed countries over the Internet.
The Call to a Bankrupt Church | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Over the last year we’ve witnessed the crumble of many institutions. They looked strong, but suddenly were threatened with bankruptcy.
Missional Mothering, Day 1 | Revive Our Hearts Episode
When little ones are at home, it’s easy to let them become the number one priority. Jani Ortlund talks about how to keep a close relationship with your husband.
Surrendered to God’s Call | Revive Our Hearts Episode
You weren’t created for yourself so that you could go and grab all you could get for yourself. You were created for the glory of God!