
3,715 Results

Standing Firm in a Changing World | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | September 2, 2009

Author Carolyn McCulley says that the world needs to see some radical womanhood. Find out what that looks like and how it affects you.

Why Should You Sing? | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | August 20, 2021

Do circumstances or emotions ever make it hard for you to open your mouth and sing? Gain some perspective on singing joyfully.

When Your World Is in a Tailspin | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | March 17, 2020

Nancy received an unexpected letter that threw her into a tailspin. She turned to a passage of Scripture that spoke to her heart.

God's Presence in Your Life | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | September 17, 2014

Nancy says the presence of God is everything. Without Him you cannot succeed, and with Him you cannot fail.

Are You Truly Pro-life? | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | January 19, 2023

In a world that de-values life, we can show the infinite, eternal value that God places on every single human soul.

Are You Wearing Fig Leaves? | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | April 26, 2022

Nancy says you can trace conflict between men and women all the way back to the Garden of Eden.

The Five Solas of Revived Hearts | Revive Our Hearts Weekend Episode

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podcast episode | October 28, 2023

On October 31, 1517, a monk named Martin tried to prompt discussion on some theological issues by posting what we now refer to as the Ninety-Five Theses.

Episode 5: What Flourishing Means to a Flailing World | The Deep Well with Erin Davis Episode

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podcast episode | August 25, 2023

Erin Davis will explore why a commitment to flourishing goes beyond our personal well-being and becomes a strategy to win the lost.

Your First Priority | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | May 16, 2019

Not long ago, Nancy visited South Africa. That country has a lot of needs, just like the United States. No matter where we live, everyone has one main need.

Learning to See | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | September 22, 2020

We’ll hear how the biographer of Elisabeth Elliot was able to apply in her own life the very principles she was writing about.