
3,720 Results

The Value of Great Books | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | July 9, 2009

Mark Hamby was humiliated. A public speaker brought him up on stage to ask what books he’d been reading. Mark was embarrassed because he hadn't read any.

What Really Matters | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | November 7, 2002

Who are we to please in our pursuit of beauty? Carolyn Mahaney teaches about beauty today on Revive Our Hearts.

How to Be a Joy Bomb!—Fanny Crosby | True Girl Episode

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podcast episode | April 3, 2024

If your church sings from a hymnal, many of those songs were written by Fanny Crosby. Her life story is going to teach you so much about having joy in the hard.

Nothing Could Stop Her | True Girl Episode

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podcast episode | April 24, 2024

Helen Roseveare was a doctor who served the Lord in a country that had cruel leaders who did not want her to help the people.

The Privilege of Suffering for Christ | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | November 29, 2023

Most people wouldn’t describe suffering as a “privilege.” But when the late Dr. Helen Roseveare followed God’s calling, she was grateful.

Cultivating Intimacy with Christ | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | June 16, 2014

Heaven rejoices when someone comes into God’s kingdom. Do you rejoice, or have the things of God become commonplace?

A Foundation of Holiness | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | August 31, 2012

Do you know that you’re communicating something about the gospel…all the time? If people know that you love Jesus, they’re watching to see how you live.

Made Like Us: The Humanity of Christ | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | February 28, 2024

"The little Lord Jesus no crying He makes." This idea shows up in a popular Christmas carol, but it’s probably not true. Nancy paints a different picture.

True Woman '08 | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | December 19, 2008

What does it mean to be a woman? John Piper, Nancy Leigh DeMoss, and Mary Kassian show why a new definition of womanhood is needed in our culture.

The Ten Boom Room | True Girl Episode

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podcast episode | May 1, 2024

Corrie ten Boom was full of courage. Where did she learn that? Her own family taught her, because they all worked together to help people, even when risky.