
36 Results

Hope for the Disappointments | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | December 27, 2023

Sometimes the battle against disease doesn’t go the way we want it to. Dawn Wilson talks about the temptations she’s faced when treatments have disappointed.

Come into the Light | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | January 20, 2014

Imagine talking to an atheistic pro-life activist. A young man vowed to end abortion, even though he didn’t believe in God.

Praise for What He Has Done | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | November 25, 2022

Spend some time praising Him for those great things the Lord has done for us.

Your Life Can Be a Masterpiece | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | September 6, 2019

Think about the situations in life you wish you could change. Nancy reminds you that God can use those episodes to tell a great story through your life.

Revive Our Hearts podcast episodes by season: Unlocking the Secret of Joyful Giving, with Randy Alcorn

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podcast season | November 28, 2022

Best-selling author Randy Alcorn knows a little about how to give joyfully. He’s studied what the Bible says about it, he’s lived it out himself, and he’s interacted with many others who have too. Alcorn helps us unlock the secret of joyful …