6,928 Results
Holiness in the Church | Revive Our Hearts Episode
The new buzzword in churches is "relevant." It seems like everybody wants their music and presentation to be relevant to an unchurched audience.
The Power to Forgive | Revive Our Hearts Episode
When you get hurt deeply, it’s natural to carry the hurt around for a long time. But it’s supernatural to forgive.
I Repent | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Do you look at sin from your point of view or God’s point of view? Henry Blackaby says that question is crucial.
Praying for a Clear Conscience | Revive Our Hearts Episode
It’s not natural to admit you’ve done something wrong. You need the Spirit of God working in you, helping you admit wrong, and making it rig
Ongoing Repentance | Revive Our Hearts Episode
How do you know whether you truly repented from some sin? Do you ever wonder if your confession was genuine?
Is Your Conscience Clear? | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Is there anyone you’ve wronged, lied to, or stolen from, and haven’t made it right by asking forgiveness?
Clearing Your Conscience for God's Glory | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Waiting for us today is the ability to have a clean conscience with others and before Almighty God through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Protecting Our Brothers | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Every day you are being offered a scam. Someone is trying to convince you to buy into his way of thinking about relationships.
Practical Steps to Purity | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Jesus said, "If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off." In an age of cell phones, IM, and My Space, that may mean unplugging from some of these things.
Alone with God | Revive Our Hearts Episode
One of the most important decisions you’ll ever make is to consistently spend time in God’s Word and in prayer.