6,928 Results
Asking God to Revive His People | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Imagine what your church and community would be like if people everywhere surrendered to the Holy Spirit’s control.
The Pull of the Flesh | Revive Our Hearts Episode
The Trap of Unbelief | Revive Our Hearts Episode
It is no small thing to see the glory of God and the signs that He has done for us along the way and then to put Him to the test and not obey His voice.
The Gospel in Psalm 119 | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Leslie Basham: Nancy Leigh DeMoss says, “Religion is about humans trying to find their way back to God, but the gospel is about something else.” Nancy Leigh DeMoss: We can’t find our way back. God must seek us. God must restore us. …
God Is at Work in the French-Speaking World | Revive Our Hearts Episode
A Better Country | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Sometimes it seems like hope is in short supply, doesn’t it? Pray for God to win hearts to Him, because that will cause cultural shifts.
Mujer Verdadera 2015: A Guided Tour | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Earlier this year, women from twenty-three countries gathered to seek the Lord for His unique calling on their lives. Hear what happened at True Woman '15.
A Desperate Need | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Does it seem that the world keeps growing more bleak? There is also a widespread movement among God's people to cry out to Him for revival.
God Makes Himself Known | Revive Our Hearts Episode
As a believer in Jesus, what picture are you giving the world of Him? Nancy says they don’t need to see a "goody two-shoes." They need something real.
Abigail - Week 4: God Will Be the Judge | Revive Our Hearts Bible Studies Episode
No matter how out of control things may seem, it's never out of God's control. You can take refuge in Him.