6,928 Results
A Heart Desperate for God | Revive Our Hearts Weekend Episode
When you’re desperate for something, you’ll go to any extreme to have it. Here’s a question: are you desperate for God?
He Is the Bread of Life | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Imagine hearing someone say, “Eat my bread and live forever!” One person did say that. A lot of people heard it as an outrageous claim.
He Is Our Head | Revive Our Hearts Episode
He Is the Light of the World | Revive Our Hearts Episode
“I am the Light of the World.” When Jesus made this claim, it wasn’t just a simple metaphor. To His original hearers, this would have been a big deal.
Noble Character | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Hope Deferred | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Instead of telling girls that Prince Charming is going to sweep them off their feet, we should be giving them a greater vision.
The Trap of Unbelief | Revive Our Hearts Episode
At times, you will be tempted to act or think like you don’t believe in God. Those moments are very important because other people are watching.
Glorifying God Through Singleness | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Scripture tells us that singleness is a gift. It’s a gift that Nancy has learned to embrace. She’ll answer questions about singleness.
Motherhood: A Calling to Love | Revive Our Hearts Weekend Episode
If you feel weary of raising your children, it helps to see them (and yourself) from God’s perspective—the call to motherhood is a call to love.
Now That I've Held Him in My Arms | Revive Our Hearts Episode
There’s a difference between knowing theories about God and actually meeting Him. A biblical character discovered that around the time of the first Christmas.