The DeMoss Wolgemuth Story
Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth: Have there been some “unexpected chapters” in the story of your life?
As Robert and I sat down to write the book You Can Trust God to Write Your Story, our own “unexpected chapter” was fresh in our minds.
In the fall of 2015, after fifty-seven years of being single, God brought me the gift of marriage to Robert Wolgemuth, or as I affectionately call him, my “DH”— that’s my “Dear Husband.” God graciously directed our paths together as we followed His loving hand through the twists and turns of our stories.
And God has been faithful to us in each chapter of our lives thus far. He’s the greatest Author! And although the story may surprise us, it never surprises Him. He’s already provided the grace we need for every plot twist.
What about you? Will you trust God to write your story? It won’t look like Robert’s and mine, but it will be the best story for you.
With Seeking Him, I’m Nancy DeMoss . . . Wolgemuth.