An Example of Holiness?
Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth: Do your kids see one side of you at church?
Woman: Look down at verse 25. It says that we should put away lying and speak the truth.
Nancy: And another side at home?
Woman: I just called in sick to work. Let's go shopping!
Nancy: Parents may not realize how much their example affects their children. Kids know what their parents' standards are. They notice when their parents use language at home that they'd never say in public.
They notice when their parents belittle each other. They know what kinds of videos their parents watch and what they laugh at on T.V.
So if your kids grow up loving the world, if they don't have a hunger for spiritual things, will that be a huge surprise? Will you be prepared to give an account for the way your life influenced them?
As you make choices today, remember that your heart for holiness is shaping the character of the next generation.
With Seeking Him, I'm Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth.