Handing God the Cup
(answering machine)
Woman 1: This is Seeking Him, with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. Please leave your question at the tone. (beep)
Woman 2: I'm facing a major decision. I’ve got two good opportunities. How do I know what to do?
Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth: Sometimes when I’m praying over a specific decision, I symbolically place that issue in my hands, then lift my cupped hands to God. I say, “Lord, I’m committing this matter to You. Please use Your Word to guide me to a wise decision.”
God may bring to mind Scriptures that give insight on the situation. He may impress me to get godly counsel. He may remind me of another priority He’s already given. Or He may grant the desire, the faith, and the freedom to step out in the new venture.
Psalm 119 says, “The entrance of Your words gives light” (v. 130). Do you need light on your situation? Do you need direction for the tough choices of life? Open the Word of God, hand Him the issue, and ask Him for direction.
With Seeking Him, I'm Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth.