Holy Days
Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth: Our word holiday actually comes from two words—holy day.
I’ve tried to set aside time on special days to think about God’s goodness and to ask Him for help in the coming year. Here’s a prayer I wrote in my journal on my thirty-fifth birthday:
As I look ahead to another year of life, I am reminded that I may not spend another year here on this earth. You may call me to heaven, or the Lord Jesus may return for His bride.
Teach me to number my days and recognize how few they are; help me to spend them as I should. Oh God, I seek Your blessing and Your favor, for having them, I lack nothing. I would seek to please You rather than men.
As you observe days that are meaningful to you, why not take some time to write down what God is doing in your life? It might make just another holiday into a holy day.
With Seeking Him, I'm Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth.