Listing the Consequences
Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth: I have a friend who carries a list around in his billfold. It reminds him of the consequences of sin.
- Sin steals joy.
- Sin removes confidence.
- Sin brings guilt.
- Sin gives Satan the upper hand.
- Sin quenches God’s Spirit.
- Sin brings physical damage.
Nancy: When he’s tempted to disobey God, my friend pulls out the list and reads it.
- Sin causes an ache in the soul.
- Sin breaks God’s heart.
- Sin opens the door to other sins.
- Sin produces fear.
- Sin makes me its slave.
Nancy: He asks himself, Is this a price I really want to pay? Is this a price I can afford to pay?You may want to make a list of your own. Next time you’re tempted to sin, pull it out and read it before you give into the temptation.
With Seeking Him, I'm Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth.