Love Is Patient
Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth: You probably know someone who’s really good at trying your patience.
Man: I’ve just got to grit my teeth and love them even if it kills me—and it probably will!
Nancy: First Corinthians 13 has some instructions for dealing with those kinds of people: “Love is patient. Love endures all things.”
We’re called to do more than just endure. True love says, “How can I help this person and pursue their best interests?” True love is active, aggressively long-suffering, investing in the people who bother us the most.
Think about how God loved us. Even though we lived in sin and rebellion, He lavished His love on us. Even though we had offended His holiness, He sent His Son for us.
If you ask Him, He’ll give you the power to lavish His love on those difficult people in your life.
With Seeking Him, I’m Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth.