Loving Discipline
Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth: What would it look like for the members of a church to really love each other? The book of 1 Corinthians addresses that.
Paul writes that when there’s sin in the Body of Christ, those who truly love are grieved. When necessary, they exercise church discipline. They love the sinner so much that they want him to be restored.
Paul writes that a loving church doesn't tolerate sexual immorality. Love leads to purity. Husbands and wives fully give themselves to their mates. They stay committed and don't leave at the drop of a hat.
And Paul says that when we’re walking in the way of love, we speak well of other believers. We affirm them instead of being critical.
Do these things describe your church? Ask God to help your fellowship—your life—be characterized by true, godly love.
With Seeking Him, I’m Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth.