Seeking Him Podcast

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Me, Me, Me

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth: Someone has said that, “To most people, the greatest persons in the universe are themselves. Their lives are made up of endless variations on the word me.”

Leslie:  This is Seeking Him, with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth.

Nancy: Our instinctive reaction to life is self-centered: How does this affect me? Will this make me happy? Why did this happen to me?

It’s not enough to be the center of our own universe. We also want to be the center of everyone else’s universe—including God’s.

The apostle Paul understood that God doesn’t exist for us but that we exist for Him. We need to be reminded of these words from Colossians: “All things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together . . . that in everything he might be preeminent” (1:16–18).

If you’re tempted to think, “me, me, me” today, shift your focus to Him.

With Seeking Him, I’m Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth.

About the Teacher

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth has touched the lives of millions of women through two nationally syndicated radio programs heard each day—Revive Our Hearts and Seeking Him. Her books have sold more than five million copies. Through her writing, podcasts, … read more …