No Fruit on a Dead Tree
Man: I’m generally a good person. I make it to church when I can.
Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth: Christ calls us to something deeper and more fulfilling than just being a pretty good person. He invites us to be transformed into His image.
Man: I might cheat on my taxes once in a while, but I never cheat on my wife. So I look at it that it cancels each other.
Nancy: Trying to do good things apart from Christ is like gluing oranges onto a dead tree. We can try to attach all the fruit we want, but it doesn’t change the tree.
In the same way, God isn’t impressed by some good works tacked on to a dead person. He wants to make us alive, like a growing tree that produces real fruit.
The apostle Paul says that as we contemplate the Lord’s glory, we will be "transformed into his likeness” (2 Cor. 3:18).
Are you spending time with God in prayer and the Word, letting Him transform you into His image?
With Seeking Him, I'm Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth.