Not Happily Ever After
Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth: You and I both know that fairy tale endings only happen in, well, fairy tales— at least this side of heaven.
When Robert and I were writing our book You Can Trust God to Write Your Story, we interviewed a woman we call “Raquel.” She fell in love, married a man, and their marriage was anything but “happily ever after.” He was controlling and angry and addicted to watching sports. She stuffed her anxiety and hid the truth from others.
They tried counseling, but everything spiraled out of control, and the marriage ended in a divorce she didn’t want and fought hard to avoid.
But Raquel is still trusting God with her story. She knows that the hardships of this life are temporary, and that all she’s been through is preparing her for eternity with Christ, her heavenly Bridegroom.
Does your story feel hopeless? Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus—the Author and the Finisher of your faith.
With Seeking Him, I’m Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth.