One Basic Issue
Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth: You really have no idea what’s in store today.
Child 1: Mom, I spilled . . .
Man: With parts and labor, it’ll come to $527.
Child 2: I forgot to tell you; my science project is due today.
Woman: I’m calling from the hospital. Dad had an accident.
Nancy: There’s one basic issue that will determine how you respond to anything today: What’s your purpose in life? If your goal is to be happy or accepted or loved, then you’ll face a lot of obstacles in meeting it.
But if your purpose is to exist for God’s glory, then you can accept whatever comes as part of His plan and purpose. You’ll embrace the hard things knowing that they were designed by God to make you more like Jesus.
Have you settled that issue? Would you say, “Lord, it’s not about me—it’s about You. All that matters is that You are glorified”?
With Seeking Him, I’m Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth.