Pictures of Christ
Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth: You’ve probably read in the Old Testament about Israel wandering through the desert. They spent years traveling but couldn’t stop at any clothing or shoe stores. They didn’t have any grocery stores or obvious supply of food, but God provided everything they needed.
When they were thirsty, Moses struck a rock and water flowed out. When they were hungry, God sent bread from heaven. God went before them in a cloud to cover them, and He clothed them for all those years.
All of those provisions point us to Christ. Jesus said, “I am the bread of God come down from heaven . . . I am the living water.”
Jesus clothes us in His righteousness. He is the rock of our salvation. On the cross He was struck for us, and out of Him comes a life-giving flow.
Do you feel like your life has been aimless? Accept the provision of Christ. He really is everything you need.
With Seeking Him, I’m Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth.